Windows users often seem to re-install Gimp for whatever-reasons
often with no result because the user profile remains.
However, sometimes it is necessary, for example, installing Gimp in a different location.
This a pdf walk-through of the stages using the Gimp installer with the Customize option
The pdf , "on the drawing board" a while, but finally got it down to a reasonable size.
Edit: Spot the mistake, fixed now, duplicated graphic, hate these pdfs, sometimes have mind of their own.

However, sometimes it is necessary, for example, installing Gimp in a different location.
This a pdf walk-through of the stages using the Gimp installer with the Customize option
The pdf , "on the drawing board" a while, but finally got it down to a reasonable size.
Edit: Spot the mistake, fixed now, duplicated graphic, hate these pdfs, sometimes have mind of their own.