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Rectangle with round corners/SVG needed?

I want to design playing cards in the format of 57mm x 87mm which should pe printed later.

I calculated that I need for 300dpi  1028x673 pixels.  

Next I created a sample card but it looks ugly because the corners are pixelated. How to so it better? Is the .SVG format needed?

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You didn't say how you created the rectangles. I'm guessing that you made a selection and then stroked the selection.

Stroking a selection and stroking a path use different algorithms. The path one would work better in this case.
Do Selection > To Path
In the Paths tab make the path visible and active.
Then Edit > Stroke Path

Having said all this:
Gimp is a bitmap (raster) editor. I don't know what your cards will look like. But maybe a vector editor (Inkscape) would be better.
I created them via the rectangle select tool.

Okay, I followed your tipps, and the path looks great but if I stroke it, it again becomes pixelated even if I use only 1pixel as width. How can I simply use the path itself?
Unless you intend to create the whole design in (say) Inkscape, there is not much to be gained. Once imported into Gimp the svg is rasterised. However the corners are anti-aliased so should print ok

The corners of your borders do not look correct, the border is not constant width/parallel edges.

You can still use paths and an old script shape-paths might make it a little easier use the 091 version.

A bit of calculation required for rectangle sizes, this an overlay with the paths stroked 20 pix.


If you are going to send the design off to a commercial printer for printing, do ask for recommended formats.
The picture above was only created to illustrate the problem.

The printer says pdf, psd, ao, or cdr is good but png would work. I thought gimp could produce pdf as well as png.
Which format do you suggest?

More realistic sample: (but unsure about wheter this kind of picture can be printed good enough)

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Some where in your editing you lost anti-aliasing on those borders. Did you stroke the selection / path using the pencil tool as the option? Just use the regular stroke-selection(path) option. That is my stroked path next to yours.


That image size & ppi changed somewhere along the line.

Gimp can export as a PDF but there is no point, the image is rasterized including all that text.

For that particular image Inkscape and svg format would be best (not PDF, I think Inkscape rasterizes as well)
As an Inkscape SVG, create the text then convert it to paths and it will remain crisp on printing.

Ask the printer about cropping / bleed margins you will probably need to add 3 mm to all sides.

edit: If you do want to use a PDF format, the application to use is Scribus
(08-19-2017, 03:24 PM)rich2005 Wrote: You can still use paths and an old script shape-paths might make it a little easier use the 091 version.

ofn-path-to-shape also does rounded rectangles.

I had a quick re-construct using Inkscape and a PDF might well be the way to go. It says it embeds the fonts and my PDF viewer says they are there. So they must be.

Inkscape has as much (or more) a learning curve as Gimp but there is plenty of help if you search. I think it is probably the better tool for the job.

The export looks like this:

and a couple of examples svg/pdf for you to try.

note: the svg is grouped in order to export as a PDF, if you want to see how it is built up you need to ungroup.
edit: I see my ocr translated the umlaut to an accent - sorry about that
Wow, this is really impressive. I will try inkscape. Hope it is not too complicated.
Sad It is more complicated with this program. If I clicked on ungroup nothing changed with your image.

I myself created the following:

But now I simply can't make the green rectangle transparent. In the end I want the follwing:

layer 1: Text
layer2: The sample I created with green transparent
layer3: the photo

Attached Files
.svg   testtransparent.svg (Size: 2.68 KB / Downloads: 265)

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