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Removing Image on Shirt while Maintaining Shading and Lighting Gradient
You can't really remove the image here. Yo have to paint over, but make a realistic replacement by simulating the creases.

What I did:
  • Select around the image with Freehand, and feather 5pix
  • Sample the T-shirt color in in lightest parts
  • Add new transparent layer ("Black"), and bucket fill selection
  • Add new transparent layer ("Solid noise")
  • Filters>Render>Clouds>Solid noise and tweak X and Y until I get something that looks like creases (3.5,7.8)
  • Set the "Solid noise" layer to multiply
  • Adjust the color of the "Black" layer so that the borders aren't too visible.

If you are going to replace the image, no need to be too perfect (and the "solid noise" method can help recreating creases
in the replacement).

Attached xcf.gz can be opened directly by Gimp (it's just a compressed form of XCF).

Attached Files
.gz   Blackened.xcf.gz (Size: 644.9 KB / Downloads: 213)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Removing Image on Shirt while Maintaining Shading and Lighting Gradient - by Ofnuts - 03-09-2018, 08:33 AM

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