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Contour light
Всем привет!

Хочу спросить: Можно ли рисовать контурный свет так, чтобы цвет персонажа не менялся, я менялся цвет самого контура? Потому что у меня получается только так как на картинке.

Hello, everyone!

I have a question: Is it possible to draw contour light so that the color of the character does not change, but the color of the contour itself changes? Because I can only do it as in the picture.

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(03-11-2024, 08:13 AM)kikateadrunker Wrote: .....Is it possible to draw contour light so that the color of the character does not change, but the color of the contour itself changes? Because I can only do it as in the picture.

Really not sure what you mean by "contour light", and what you require might not be possible. Colors are going to change.

Is it something like this:
Duplicate layer
Add white to transparent gradient in the light direction
Put the layer into Overlay mode.


If it is not that, can you give more details.

edit: Is it the same as your previous post:
(03-11-2024, 09:20 AM)rich2005 Wrote:
(03-11-2024, 08:13 AM)kikateadrunker Wrote: .....Is it possible to draw contour light so that the color of the character does not change, but the color of the contour itself changes? Because I can only do it as in the picture.

Really not sure what you mean by "contour light", and what you require might not be possible. Colors are going to change.

Is it something like this:
Duplicate layer
Add white to transparent gradient in the light direction
Put the layer into Overlay mode.

If it is not that, can you give more details.

edit: Is it the same as your previous post:

The orange stroke should serve as a contour light, but in order to apply it, I had to cover the orange fill on the character, because I don’t know how to make the color change just at the stroke itself, without changing the color of the character, as is done in Photoshop

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Looks to me like you already have your light direction.

Edit. If you want to change your orange to white - use 'select by color' then fill with white

Something like this ?
The path is made from the desatureted picture : Colours / Desaturate / Mono mixer. Then use the 'fuzzy select tool' to make the slection and convert the selction to a path : Select / To Path. Then make a new transparent layer for stroking the path and blur the stroked path : Filters / Blur : Gaussian Blur. For changing the colours, from the gimp menu : Colours / Hue-Saturation use the 'Hue' slider to change the color on the color change layer.

.xcf   spiderman.xcf (Size: 895.16 KB / Downloads: 118)
Maybe Tools -> GEGL Operation -> Color warp.

Lock the alpha channel to keep the transparency.
Color pick the From color in the image.
Select the To color
Enter a really large number in the weight.


As an animation
(03-11-2024, 10:58 AM)denzjos Wrote: Something like this ?

Like this, but, with white lines inside orange lines

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@ kikateadrunker, just make a new layer and stroke the path with white (and add a little blur on this layer), like this :

.xcf   spiderman2.xcf (Size: 1.05 MB / Downloads: 110)
The image already has a transparent background.
01- Layer - Transparency - Alpha to Selection;
This will create a selection around the image.

02- Select - Border;
Choose the width of the border, something like 3 px could work.

03- Create a new layer above the figure, and make it active.

Now you can simply:
A- Select a color in the active foreground color and drag to fill this selection.


B- b1- Edit - Stroke Selection... and then Select - None.
b2- In the Paths tab, select the created path and right-click and select - fill Path - Solid color.

Obs: An advantage of using paths is that you can make small adjustments if the edges are too offset.

If necessary you can change the color via Color - Colorize.

By changing the layer modes it is possible to obtain a better result of the color used on the figure.
Samj PortableGimp 2.10.28 - Win-10 /64.

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