I have both a Gimp 2.8.22 and a Gimp 2.10.32 on a kubuntu 20.04 installation.
Quote:Examples: Previously, on menus such as "Selective Gaussian Blur" or "Sharpen (Unsharp Mask)," the default button was OK so I just needed to simply hit Return to perform the function. Now the default button is Presets which forces me to either grab the mouse to execute the command, or type Shift-Tab before hitting Return.
I can not get (say) the selective-blur tool to apply by hitting the enter key, so our installations differ there.
What does work in both Gimp's is the Alt key to show the quick key, giving alt-o (as in Ok) to apply and close the dialogue.
Why the difference between Kubuntu and Xubuntu, I do not know.
The big difference, of course, is the change to GEGL in Gimp 2.10, where the filter effect is shown on canvas. A great improvement.
Quote:Another case is when I directly edit JPG images and do not save an XCF version of the work. After exporting the revised JPG I want to close the GIMP tab (Ctrl-W). Previously the pop-up close window has the Discard Changes button active so, again, I could execute the desired command by hitting Return. Now, the active button is Cancel and I have to hit Tab to activate Discard Changes button before hitting Return.
Similar to previous situation, here the Discard Changes button is not active but alt-d (as in d(iscard) applies).
There are other ways. This goes way back to the Gimp 2.8 introduction of Save vs Export, a plugin to quickly export and mark the image clean.
https://github.com/akkana/gimp-plugins/b...t-clean.py You do have to be careful with this one, you can lose the original if not careful, but after the export, apply the plugin (I have it set to the 's' key) You do not get the Discard Changes Dialogue, the image closes straight away.