(12-18-2023, 08:05 AM)EasyGoingPat Wrote: ...I am trying to use the Alignment tool. I have followed the instructions online and can select the first layer okay but am unable to select the next layer. I get the hand icon but SHIFT-select does nothing. I have also tried lots of other key combinations...
The shift key is the one to use. No details of your image but I assume that you have a stack of layers, one above the other.
Things to try.
After selecting the first item, turn visibility off for any layer not required.
Rubber-band - shift-click-n-drag the tool around the layers. Do you get the icon shown in the screenshot ?
Apply a disribution. This a 30 second animation of that https://i.imgur.com/KeuXtUi.mp4 This is in my linux setup but exactly the same in my Win10 / Gimp 2.10.36 (VM)
I have to confess, not my favourite tool and when used, I do distribute in a selection or relative to a path rather than "first item"