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Smoothing a path: a simple plugin
I don't want to raise my problem again, but for your information I'll post a script that can distort a photo with arcs. The GUI is sparse in setting arcs (too small), a link to paths on the original picture would offer an ideal solution. This is all posting for information. Nothing should be done. 

.zip (Size: 2.34 KB / Downloads: 206)
(07-03-2021, 06:32 PM)denzjos Wrote: I don't want to raise my problem again, but for your information I'll post a script that can distort a photo with arcs. The GUI is sparse in setting arcs (too small), a link to paths on the original picture would offer an ideal solution. This is all posting for information. Nothing should be done. 

Don't worry, I am not going to do anything about this. I have hands full anyhow.

But that is interesting. It seems to call the Curve Bend plugin which is one of Gimp's standard plugins and an .exe file. So it could be thought as a different interface to the Curve Bend plugin. With the same idea one could write different interfaces to Curve Bend. That again seems to allow rotation so that bending could be done in different directions.

Perhaps somebody else will take this up...
Version 0.3 available at : <<<--- Simple smooth - current version 0.3
Samj PortableGimp 2.10.28 - Win-10 /64.

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