06-25-2020, 02:33 PM
(06-21-2020, 10:17 PM)migf1 Wrote: All right guys, all 20 variations of the themes are ready. You can get them from my DeviantArt.
The check/radio marks in the Dark themes are now color-hinted too, just like they were in the Light themes since RC1. Also, tiny icons like the selection-modes are now more spacey. I don't remember what else I improved (LOL).
I'd like to thank everyone who participated in this topic!
Hi @migf1,
This looked interesting and I thought I'd give it a try. I'm running Arch Linux BTW.
Here are a couple of things I ran into.
Concerning GTK2 installation for Linux.
Quote:5. Copy the libclearlooks.so file into the following folder:
(whichever dir Gimp is installed in)/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/
Finding the right package for your exact distro may prove challenging.
But if you make this work, it will save you a system-wide GTK2 installation,
because Gimp ships with its own GTK2 runtime.
The path you reference in line item 5. is not part of my installation. I wish I was up on the finer points of GTK2 on Linux to explain this, but here is the file list of what is installed on my system.
That aside, I went ahead and installed the gtk2-engines package. The theme looks very nice and "mostly" works, but I am not getting the tab highlights for either the image or the tool panel tabs.
I haven't read this entire thread and maybe this problem has been mentioned before, so I'll sift through and see if I can find out why. Regardless, I appreciate your work on this and consider this an improvement for usability over the stock theme.