08-12-2018, 10:55 AM
The Align tool aligns the layer boundaries, and not the content of the layer. And you are assuming (wrongly
) that the text is smack in the middle of the text layer, which is not true. The text layer boundaries correspond to the "box" of the font, and so take in account features that may not be present in your text (diacriticd, descenders,...).
So on the whole if you can assume that the text is horizontally centered in the layer, the vertical "middle" will depend a lot on the text. Several ways:

So on the whole if you can assume that the text is horizontally centered in the layer, the vertical "middle" will depend a lot on the text. Several ways:
- Do it by eye. Even the shape of the letter has an influence on the perceived center of the text, and your eye is a better judge than you think
- Use the measure tool to compute the distance the middle of the layer and the middle of the text, and shift you horizontal guide by that value
- Layer>Autocrop layer will remove all the extra space around the letters so the layer boundaries are now identical to the text boundaries (well, mor or less, because your C and O have likely some pixels below the baseline, how much of this changes the perception of the center, see #1). Then you can use the Align tool or just move to snap the center of the layer on yoru guides. Warning: this make the later a plain bitmap layer, if you want to retain the text layer, make a copy first.