07-13-2023, 07:05 PM
After a MS windows 10 update, my MS Office XP no longer works (on startup, the acces the screen appears and then disappears)
. I often make backups, after installing my last backup, I could start Office XP again and could export the data. I used the access database since 1996 and I want to import the data in LibreOffice Base. As I started with gimp a few years ago and first did'n like it (now, after learning it, I do like it). Using LibreOffice, I found it very basic and did'n like it : it's like I was in the boiler room. After reading several sollutions and tested them out, I could import my data in Libreoffice Base (after export access---> dbase4). A few lines were not imported, but I inserted them by hand. Now I had to learn how to use tabels / query's / forms and rapports. Hard to do when be microsoft brainwashed, but I persevered. After a few solutions that ended in the dust bin, I felt my brain learned to think the Libreoffice way. Now, my database is working fine and MS Office landed in the dust bin (because it died again today) . OO software isn't bad at all (and it's free). That's why I post this in the watercooler, again on normal temparture.