(07-12-2018, 01:11 PM)andife Wrote: Hello, thank you for your answer.
I tried to reproduce what you were saying
so the convert of imagemagick changes the Photometric Interpretation".
But what does "Inverting LUT" mean? This is not a tiff-tag?
Looks like ImageMagick gives correct values.
identify -verbose gimp_question3.tif
From what I see in the Tiff specification
The “normal” PhotometricInterpretation is WhiteIsZero.
However, if the PhotometricInterpretation is BlackIsZero, the TIFF reader must reverse the
meaning of white and black when displaying and printing the image.
Which is what is required.
Not too sure what is correct now.
I do think you should have mentioned the image has an "inverted LUT" from ImageJ=1.52e in your bug report.