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Tool Options windows position not remembered

I have arranged the Gimp windows in a way that I have the Tool Options to the right of the workspace, but still left of the Dockable Dialogs (see attached image). However, when I restart Gimp, the positions have swapped. Suddenly I have the Dockable DIalogs left of the Tool Options.


Is anyone else having that issue? Does anyone know why this is happening and how to resolve it? Is there a way to make Gimp remember the positions of the windows?

Thanks for any help or advise.

I'm running Gimp version 2.8.22 on Fedora 25.
Are you saying that Edit -> Preferences -> Window Management
then un-tick Save window positions on exit
followed by click on Save window positions now does not work?


Using Fedora, is that Gnome (3 is it?) DE. In KDE any window can have all sorts of settings specifying size and position. Maybe there is a setting there over-riding Gimp.

OK, I can duplicate that swap in positions here on Kubuntu 16.04

A few things to check out before a 'best guess'
This works here: some large-ish (even when resized) screenshots, so not in line.

Damn, did it the wrong way round (as your screenshot) first time, so here we go again. EDIT: just read your post again, maybe had it correct first time. Which ever way, fixing the window positions in Edit Preferences works.

1. Starting with the default 3 window mode.

2. Detach the tool options and arrange like this.

3. Go into single window mode to get this As you found the Tool options are left of the docks.

4. Click-Drag the tool options tab to the hot spot on the extreme right, resize windows to suit.

5. Drag layers tab down to start a new group. Add/close tabs to get the required layout

6. Size the windows to suit your computer monitor. Then Edit -> Preferences -> Window Management to save the positions.

..and that keeps those positions on restarting Gimp 

I have attached a sessionrc file with those settings. Unzip and put it in your Gimp profile ~/.gimp-2.8/  (rename the existing if you want to save it). Start Gimp up, I kept it small so make any adjustments, save window positions in Preferences.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 850 bytes / Downloads: 284)
Thanks rich2005 for the help and effort.

Actually before closing Gimp, the Tool Options should be left of the docks, as in image no. 3. That should be the final and desired state.

I've tried again saving the positions at exit as recommended in no. 6, but without any luck. The positions are still being reverted upon restart as in no. 5 (not desired).

Hope you can follow with what I mean. I still have no idea why this is the "default" state.
(05-30-2017, 05:54 PM)DrNukular Wrote: Thanks rich2005 for the help and effort.

Actually before closing Gimp, the Tool Options should be left of the docks, as in image no. 3. That should be the final and desired state.

I've tried again saving the positions at exit as recommended in no. 6, but without any luck. The positions are still being reverted upon restart as in no. 5 (not desired).

Hope you can follow with what I mean. I still have no idea why this is the "default" state.

Yes I follow what you mean. 
It must be some function of Fedora because here Kubuntu 16.04 / Gimp 2.8.22  I have no problem providing I take care to use the preferences menu to save the window positions when set up.

Maybe ask on the Fedora forum for their opinions.

There are other options, as I said earlier, for a linux desktop environment (DE) KDE has more options than I ever use to fix application and window sizes and positions.

Even really light DE's have options. Perhaps consider Gimp in traditional mode with floating docks. This in AntiX with IceWM DE. Docks can be fixed in position and above the Gimp main window. Of course you lose the convenience of a tabbed open images, but look, no writing under the tool box. Fedora Gnome DE will have similar functions (somewhere). A really useful one that very rarely use and I should, is a 'shade' ie collapsing a window into just the 'header' until required.

I've been playing around now and still haven't found a way to make it work.

I'm not sure why the preference menu to save the window positions is not working in Gimp under Fedora and Gnome.
I don't know if this issue is affecting all possible windows or only the Tool Options.

I noticed that the same thing happens if the Tool Options are placed left of the Tool Box (on the outer left side of the workspace). After restarting Gimp, it has swapped positions and is found right of the Tool Box, instead of left.

Both cases are independen of Single-Window Mode.

With Gnome under Fedora I can't find any options for window positions. I don't really think that this can be changed through Gnome. It seems to me that this is primarily a bug in Gimp (running on Gnome).

I have the same issue in traditional mode with floating docks. Also the text in the Tool Box is still there in traditional mode.

The only options I have in Gnome regarding window is Minimize, Maximize, Move, Moving between Workspaces, Close. Nothing about positions.

System used Fedora 25. Gimp version 2.8.22. GNOME Shell 3.22.3. Kernel 4.10.16-200.fc25.x86_64.

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