01-22-2024, 07:32 PM
Thanks for the fast and detailed reply!
I implemented the points you mentioned.
Sadly it wont register and show up in gimp - do you can see what I miss? I use gimp 2.10.32
Thanks in advance!
I implemented the points you mentioned.
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Preferred form of import, avoids "gimpfu" prefixes all over.
from gimpfu import *
# The real code.
def setAspectRatios():
import os
# create the object of the image
filename = os.path.basename(image.filename)
# create a new image with the same dimensions
new_image = pdb.gimp_image_new(6000, 8000, 0)
# disable undo to make it faster
# define layer to copy
current_layer = image.layers[0]
# create the new name AR 2-3
new_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_visible(image, new_image, current_layer)
# add new layer to the new image
pdb.gimp_image_add_layer(new_image, new_layer, 0)
# resize the layer
pdb.gimp_layer_resize(new_layer, 5333, 8000, -345, 0)
img_name_ar_2_3 = "AR_2-3_" + filename
# define drawable
drw = new_image.layers[0]
# save the image as jpeg
pdb.file_jpeg_save(new_image, drw, img_name_ar_2_3, img_name_ar_2_3, 0.90, 0, 1, 1, "Aspect Ratio 2-3", 3, 1, 0, 2)
# delete the new image
#Aspect Ratio 4-5
new_image = pdb.gimp_image_new(6000, 8000, 0)
current_layer = image.layers[0]
new_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_visible(image, new_image, current_layer)
pdb.gimp_image_add_layer(new_image, new_layer, 0)
pdb.gimp_layer_resize(new_layer, 5333, 8000, -345, 0)
img_name_ar_4_5 = "AR_4-5_" + filename
drw = new_image.layers[0]
pdb.file_jpeg_save(new_image, drw, img_name_ar_4_5, img_name_ar_4_5, 0.90, 0, 1, 1, "Aspect Ratio 4-5", 3, 1, 0, 2)
'set-aspect-ratios', # Unique ID, I prefix mine with "ofn-" to avoid clashes
'create different aspect ratios', # Description/title (short)
'Set Aspect Ratios', # Help (can be longer...)
"Author", # KJ
"Author", # Copyright KJ
"2024", # Copyright 2024
"Set Aspect Ratios", # The menu label
"RGB*", # The type of images it can work on. Use "*" for all types
# [ # List of input parameters
# (PF_IMAGE, "image", "Input image", None)
[], # List of output parameters
setAspectRatios, # The Python code that implements the plugin
menu="<Image>/Filters", # Where the menu label above appears
Sadly it wont register and show up in gimp - do you can see what I miss? I use gimp 2.10.32
Thanks in advance!