(11-05-2022, 08:49 AM)teapot Wrote:(11-05-2022, 12:19 AM)alvk Wrote: Hello everyone!
I'm using gimp to make figures for my scientific papers. Often I need to place a guide in a certain position relative to a selected layer. I'm trying to write a pretty simple script, that do the job. However, I have a problem with it. I want to have a checkbox, with indicates whether the guide should be placed within the selected layer or not. But it doesn't work. Every time, the script return negative value for guide position. If I have a multilayer image, this means that the guide is placed outside the active layer, regardless of the state of the checkbox. If I have a single layer image, I get an error, that the guide is outside the image. Could anyone help me to solve this problem? The full script is below. Thank you!
(define (script-fu-custom-guide image
(let* (
(lwidth (car (gimp-drawable-get-width image)))
(lheight (car (gimp-drawable-get-height image)))
(offx (car (gimp-drawable-get-offsets drawable)))
(offy (cadr (gimp-drawable-get-offsets drawable)))
(if (= in_toggle TRUE) (position (* -1 position)))
(cond ((= orientation 0) (- offx position)) ; guide on left
((= orientation 1) (+ offx lwidth position)) ; guide on right
((= orientation 2) (- offy position)) ; guide on top
((= orientation 3) (+ offy lheight position)) ; guide on bottom
(if (< 1 orientation)
(gimp-image-add-hguide image guide_position)
(if (> 2 orientation)
(gimp-image-add-vguide image guide_position)
(script-fu-register "script-fu-custom-guide"
_"_Custom guide"
_"Adds a vertical or horizontal guide to the image"
SF-IMAGE "Input image" 0
SF-DRAWABLE "Input drawable" 0
SF-OPTION _"_Orientation" '(_"Left" _"Right" _"Top" _"Bottom")
SF-ADJUSTMENT _"_Position" (list 20 0 MAX-IMAGE-SIZE 1 10 0 1)
SF-TOGGLE _"Within a layer?" FALSE
(script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-custom-guide"
Hello alvk,
There's quite a lot wrong so here's a new version which I think is doing what you wanted:
(define (script-fu-custom-guide image drawable orientation position in-toggle)
(let ((image-width (car (gimp-image-width image)))
(image-height (car (gimp-image-height image)))
(layer-width (car (gimp-drawable-width drawable)))
(layer-height (car (gimp-drawable-height drawable)))
(offx (car (gimp-drawable-offsets drawable)))
(offy (cadr (gimp-drawable-offsets drawable)))
(guide-position 0))
(if (= in-toggle TRUE)
(set! position (- position)))
(set! guide-position
(case orientation
((0) (- offx position)) ; guide on left
((1) (+ offx layer-width position)) ; guide on right
((2) (- offy position)) ; guide on top
((3) (+ offy layer-height position)))) ; guide on bottom
(case orientation
((0 1) (if (<= 0 guide-position image-width)
(gimp-image-add-vguide image guide-position)))
((2 3) (if (<= 0 guide-position image-height)
(gimp-image-add-hguide image guide-position))))
(script-fu-register "script-fu-custom-guide"
_"_Custom guide"
_"Adds a vertical or horizontal guide to the image"
SF-IMAGE "Input image" 0
SF-DRAWABLE "Input drawable" 0
SF-OPTION _"_Orientation" '("_Left" "_Right" "_Top" "_Bottom")
SF-ADJUSTMENT _"_Position" (list 20 0 MAX-IMAGE-SIZE 1 10 0 1)
SF-TOGGLE _"Within a layer?" FALSE
(script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-custom-guide"
Thank you! Everything works just fine!
(11-05-2022, 09:20 AM)Ofnuts Wrote: “Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. So if you're as clever as you can be when you write it, how will you ever debug it?” ― Brian Kernighan
Not a scheme expert. Code typically too clever to be debuggable (I don't even know how to print a value in Scheme...). You obviously try to play a clever trick to get the guide position but it it obviously wrong: if you are layer or image-centric, this doesn't just change the sign of the position.
IMHO, the simplest way:
Then your guides are at
- If you work on an image, then offsets are 0,0, and W&H are the image dimension
- If you work on layer, then offset are the layer's offset and W&H are the layers dimension
Also, despite not being a Scheme person:
- offsetX+position (left),
- offsetY+position (top),
- offsetX+width-position (right),
- offsetY+height-position (bottom).
If you have Python support in your Gimp and always put the guides at the same place relative to image or layers, you can try my ofn-guide-presets script (use it as is or steal the code).
- I had to drop the get bit in your gimp-drawable-get-{offset,width,height} (ie, gimp-drawable-height is what works for me, what version of Gimp are you using)?
- (if (= in_toggle TRUE) ...) is better written (if in_toggle ...)
- (* -1 position) is better written (- position)
Thank you for your reply. I'm using the development version of Gimp, installed from Debian repository. Unfortunately, I have no python support in my version of Gimp. As far as I know, there is no support for python2 in Debian. Strangely, I didn't find python3 support in the development version of Gimp from the repository. Probably, they compiled it without python support?
(11-05-2022, 09:20 AM)Ofnuts Wrote: I had to drop the get bit in your gimp-drawable-get-{offset,width,height} (ie, gimp-drawable-height is what works for me, what version of Gimp are you using)?In Gimp3 on my computer, gimp-drawable-height and others doesn't work without get. Probably they have changed something?