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Unable to save as *.jpg or *.png
I just installed GIMP 2.10.20 today (8/19/2020) to take the place of Photoshop. So far I am unable to get GIMP to save a file as either a *.jpg or a *.png file type. The File Saveas seems to show it is doing it, but when I look with file manager it is not anything but the GIMP native file type. My operating system is Windows 10.

I was able to import an image from my all-in-one printer/scanner, so at least that worked OK.

I found a few things on-line that were instructions on how to get GIMP to save files as *.jpg and *.png, but I cannot get it to work. I do not find any GIMP files under User/my user files/ that have any GIMP listing. I am fairly new to Windows 10, so that could be part of my problem.

I need detailed instructions if possible.

Messages In This Thread
Unable to save as *.jpg or *.png - by joezera - 08-19-2020, 06:22 PM
RE: Unable to save as *.jpg or *.png - by joezera - 08-19-2020, 07:13 PM

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