I am sure one of the scripting experts will be along but as a starter
Filters -> Enhance -> Noise Reduction is a GEGL procedure and at the moment not script-able in Gimp.
There is the Gimp 2.8 despeckle plugin that can be taken from a Gimp 2.8 installation for use in Gimp 2.10
The g'mic plugin. http://www.gmic.eu Ian's denoise filter should work.
It will definitely help if you narrow your OS down to one of Windows (7 / 10 ?) or Linux (which distro)
Filters -> Enhance -> Noise Reduction is a GEGL procedure and at the moment not script-able in Gimp.
There is the Gimp 2.8 despeckle plugin that can be taken from a Gimp 2.8 installation for use in Gimp 2.10
The g'mic plugin. http://www.gmic.eu Ian's denoise filter should work.
It will definitely help if you narrow your OS down to one of Windows (7 / 10 ?) or Linux (which distro)