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Utube Works Best On Chrome - Is That A Surprise?
(09-23-2024, 10:07 AM)Tas_mania Wrote: I wanted a cable to the home but they said my distance from the street was too far. Instead I got 'wireless broadband' from this giant tower.
This big tower would carry thousands of connections. I noticed videos drop-out during peak periods like 7pm -9pm every night. The tower would carry 'streaming services' that we don't use. At other times videos play OK on any browser. I just switched over to Chrome at around 8pm and it's problem solved. Smile

Here in the UK I used cable for years, originally telewest then taken over by VirginMedia now largely owned by the evil Global Media. Finally got sick of being ripped off by their yearly price rises and now use 4G wireless (might get 5G sometime - the UK is way behind the rest of the world.

When it comes to speed, where I live it all depends on the amount of traffic passing the tower, peak commuting times = very slow, rest of the time is just slow. 

I do not watch much youtube these days, the advertisements really annoy.

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RE: Utube Works Best On Chrome - Is That A Surprise? - by rich2005 - 09-23-2024, 10:34 AM

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