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Utube Works Best On Chrome - Is That A Surprise?
(09-23-2024, 10:34 AM)rich2005 Wrote: I do not watch much youtube these days, the advertisements really annoy. the only one by Raymond Hill, I never ever seen an advertisement on youtube or somewhere else Smile

(09-23-2024, 10:07 AM)Tas_mania Wrote: I wanted a cable to the home but they said my distance from the street was too far. Instead I got 'wireless broadband' from this giant tower.
This big tower would carry thousands of connections. I noticed videos drop-out during peak periods like 7pm -9pm every night. The tower would carry 'streaming services' that we don't use. At other times videos play OK on any browser. I just switched over to Chrome at around 8pm and it's problem solved. Smile

I had that 4G router, I even bought an expensive one and got 40-50mb max, and it was limited in data (200Gb/month), needed to buy more data each time, then the ISP blocked the speed to 10mb on their side as many people did like me (bought a good 4G router), and before that I had only DSL at 10mb for over a decade (from when I arrived here), in all case I was too far for the fiber in the beginning, then they never came to my location
happily StarLink arrived just in time a year and a half ago when Local ISP throttled the 4G because of good routers, a new world opened... literally Big Grin


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RE: Utube Works Best On Chrome - Is That A Surprise? - by PixLab - 09-23-2024, 05:20 PM

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