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Very new to GIMP and looking to recreate an effect from a YT video.

I've followed this video as well as I could have but my trouble is that when I erase the land lines in GIMP, they don't keep the beveling and embossing effect. I know she's using PS but I feel like there's something I'm overlooking. Is it the "stroke" effect?
You can not create the 'land' area the same way as PS, which has 'adjustment layers'. These do not exist in Gimp.

You need the land on a separate layer, use the eraser tool to define the edges. screenshot:

Then a possibility is the bevel filter on a duplicated layer:
A better tool, is a 'bump map' using a blurred copy of the land.

There was a thread about a different way of map making: which came from here:

That was picked up and turned into a script here: which you might find interesting.

Bottom line is, do not use tutorials made for PS.
Some tutorials made for PS can be used in GIMP. I used tutorials on so many other programs other than what it is made for. The effect the OP is looking for is nondestructive layer effects. It lools like layer mask, and it doesn't look like adjustment layers. As far as I'm concerned, PS does not support masks unless it is on smart object. Affinity Photo and Krita support layer mask, and for Krita, it supports nondestructive layer effect.
That does not help the OP very much. Layer effects/adjustment layers what difference, not available in Gimp.

The YT video quality is poor (640x480) but it shows Ad*be CS6 and the layer(s)

[Image: iTEJ1h4.png]

No equivalent in Gimp, but the end result probably achievable although not really a project for a beginner. Best bet is RobA's map making process mentioned earlier. Work through that and by the end, you will have used many of the standard Gimp tools. Then use those techniques for your own work.
(08-15-2017, 01:22 PM)rich2005 Wrote: Layer effects/adjustment layers what difference

Layer effects are restricted to things like bevel, chamfer, satin, and things like that.

Filter layers are just filters acting like a layer with utilizing a cloned image copy for processing results. Filter masks are just a more organized way of doing that with just 1 layer. Yeah, they're not available at all in GIMP. One has to wait until version 3.2.

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