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What the Right Way to Color-Fill Fonts as Objects?
I found a good font in online editing program, exported as raster, opened in GIMP and decided to change color.
Used bucket-fill and upon closer zoom, it has edges which are not smooth, more like pixelated a little:


What would be the correct way of doing that without losing quality?

The solution might be go-back-to-your-wonderful-online-editor.

By exporting as a one layer raster image you lost an important attribute. A text layer with transparency and anti-aliasing. At least that is what it looks like without more information.

What was the text colour before? Is that grey colour the desired end result? It might be your saviour Wink

You might get away with something like this

Duplicate the layer and apply Colors -> Color-to-Alpha
screenshot: note base layer visibility is off

Turn the alpha lock on and fill with the desired colour (might be that grey again but I used a green for the example) screenshot:

You might want to restore the drop shadow Turn the alpha lock off then Filters -> Light & Shadow -> Drop Shadow.

...but it is always going to be a bit of a cludge. Find the font, use Gimp
It looks like the shadow is knocked out by the text and in the tiny gaps the background is shining through.
Thats a problem on the online programs side.

Dont think that is easily fixable on your side.

Can you export the text without the dropshadow ?

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