Thank you all for responding.
Please elaborate:
"I think AI is a bandwagon that a lot of people will jump on because it means they don't have to look at their real problems."
I do not quite get it.
Thank you.
"AI is possibly an admission that people are really stupid and need help to think."
Look at the planet and all on it, it is a total mess.
The planet and all on it are the exam results of the true IQ test we all take:
We failed miserably.
I asked this not because I am stupid (I have a whole 45IQ ), but because I am limited.
I have severe Asperger's and ADHD, as well as physical limitations since my 30 meter drop onto concrete in may 1990, BASF Antwerp.
I could use AI support, as my fine motor skills are ... not there any more.
Vita ... sic est.
"Why don't we have 'Artificial Ignorance'?"
Because, as I already said above, we are already totally ignorant.
We are Homo Ignoramus.
It would be even more ludicrous to support our stupidities, no, sir?

Then again, seeing we ARE such nitwits we will probably make an Ignoramus AI Assist.
With the excuse:
"Because we can."
Like so often happens in science.
Oh well ... "science" ... BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
The joke.
"Most of what happens on this planet is pure ignorance IMHO so lets admit it before we embark on enhancing ignorance with intelligence we aren't smart enough to recognise?"
Heh, sir, with all due respect, but ... to recognise whatever, even stupidity or ignorance, one needs that what we as species lack:
So ... yeah ... that.
"In other words we would have to rely on AI to tell us it's 'intelligent'."
As one, again, needs intellect to recognise whatever.
Thus also to recognise ... intellect.
And since we, as a species, miss precisely this ... we need an AI to do it for us.
Came across this article on AI feedback loops. Apparently AI models (that train an AI system) can collapse on AI generated content.
“Over time, mistakes in generated data compound and ultimately force models that learn from generated data to misperceive reality even further,” wrote one of the paper’s leading authors, Ilia Shumailov, in an email to VentureBeat. “We were surprised to observe how quickly model collapse happens: Models can rapidly forget most of the original data from which they initially learned.”"
Yep, it has come to the point we need AI to train AI.
Since even our modern teachers became dumb.
"What is the Pythagoras Theorem?"
Teachers often do not know.
Who was Hannibal?
"Uuuuh, ooh, that fella that humped with lambs, or sum'thin like that."
How many degrees must a Beethoven have to bake a cake?
Most (female and modern men) can answer that one:
"176.6 Centigrades."
*Pacefalm* (No I intended that typo, see it as an epic facepalm. But very epic, then.)
So, let me go back to my original post, since, we diverted from it and stumbled into philosophy instead:
Will Gimp get AI as well?
Seeing, people like me, with ability dysfunctions, could be really helped in this.
I asked a serious question, for a serious reason.
Why did y'all revert into a whole different direction?
Is this then a new thing, a new hype, or?
Merely asking, as, having severe Asperger's, I like to know what lies ahead in life, as good and bad as I can ...
Also, with all due respect, of course, I am not some child or weirdo, for the record.
I became 53 last June 12, so, there's no need to act in this manner, sir.
A little respect is easily given.
Merely saying on the side.