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Altering multiple files
Hi all,newbie here. Searched for an answer but quickly became overwhelmed. I took a night lapse that came out ok but I would like to increase the contrast of all the photos before compiling them into a video. I have Elements 2.0 (yeah I'm a dinosaur) but don't want to do several hundred photos one at a time.  Just downloaded Gimp 2.10.14.  Can I do it? and how?  Thanks
I was looking at this recently, plenty things not working anymore. One problem (for me) is many functions are now GEGL and not easily 'batched'

There is one modern batch plugin for Gimp BIMP now at version 2.2 Look at the demos on the site.

What you need for this is the older version BIMP 1.18  The demo uses the Gimp Curves tool and there are problems with BIMP 2.2

Brand new to Gimp Wink you might need some pointers. This a demo using the curves tool. duration 4 minutes.

One problem, it is for a typical image and that might not be true for all 500 images.
Best of luck. Hopefully there will be other advice.
Thank you, that seems to be what I'm looking for.
Otherwise, easily done with ImageMagick in one single command;

mogrify -contrast-stretch 15% IMG*.jpg

See here.

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