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can we re-color this patches - is this doable
(04-17-2024, 10:15 AM)saint_m Wrote: @zeuspaul - well does this method work as similar as the one that denzjos mentioned

Quote:Have you tried bucket fill--fill similar colors, adjust the threshold as required?

love to hear form you

added the sript to the script folder

now i can start the work . Smile


see the following .... - how it looks    

and finally - see the first steps that i go

is this correct?

see the next steps that i go

Quote:(Yesterday, 06:38 PM)denzjos Wrote:
I tried this :
Image / Mode / Indexed (value 14)
Filters / Colours / Indexed Decompose to x colors (value 14 - result is 14 layers)
script found here :
Image / Mode / RGB
Recolor 1 layer at a time with : Colours / Hue-Saturation (use Hue slider)

SEE#  the steps that i go here...
is this correct:  i dunno


Messages In This Thread
RE: can we re-color this patches - is this doable - by saint_m - 04-17-2024, 04:05 PM

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