(10-05-2021, 09:08 AM)aka Wrote: Hi,
Let say we have a layer with some lines, it can be pen or brush or something else ; that does no matter, I can take any of them for the following purpose : I would like to change the thickness of an already drown line through someting like options, preferences, etc.
Is it please possible ?
Best regards.
Not with just options. Two ways:
1) Filters ➤ Generic ➤ Erode (yes, assuming black over white background) after possibly making a selection around said lines (plus some space to include the pixels that will be covered by the thickness increase)
2) Color select the line (perhaps with an intersection with a selection around the lines of interest, to not select the rest of the image (see here for techniques to do so)) then Select ➤ Grow to enlarge the selection and bucket-fill the selection.