04-12-2021, 10:13 AM
Quote:At the top of layer image list, i have a separate layer with a logo that must be exported with EACH levels..
How to do that?
You need to add your logo to the images in RGB mode, before you Index them. Use this script http://chiselapp.com/user/saulgoode/repo...combine-bg it does not require all layers the same size.
Remember, that logo adds to each image colours, better if you can keep to a single color, even better if black or white.
However, back to the original specification, consistent colormap with 32 colours. Might go like this:
Open the images as layers including the logo.
Add the logo to all layers using sg-combine-bg.scm
Export all layers as RGB jpeg, now with the logo.
Use one of those and put in Indexed Mode creating a 32 colour colormap
Add the jpgs (with logo) as layers, to that indexed image.
Export the layers to individual indexed png images.
All that in this 5 minute video. https://youtu.be/VpUK5AmkZvM
A bit at the end about editing those indexed png's preserving the 32 color colormap.