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easy cad on gimp ?
I often searched for a simple (auto)cad command plugin / script for gimp to create paths. I found the same question in a post from 2006.
No more post found concerning this issue. So there is no intrest in such thing. But, as I have some Script-Fu scripts to create a circle, rectangle, etc....  I wonder if there exist something like the command menu of 'multiple guides' script, something like this (easier working than working with guides): 
Line (start point / end point):
L | x1,y1 | x2,y2 |
Circle (center point / radius)
C |x1,y1 | x2
Ellips (center point / axis x / axis y)  
E |x1,y1 | x2 | y2
Arc (start point / end point / radius)
A (x1,x2 | x2,y2 | value
It would be possible with such thing to easy create a simple technical sketch and further pimp it up in gimp. I noticed that there existing now a lot of applications in gimp to work with paths, so many things are possible. It is not the intention to make gimp a cad program but such a thing would be nice.

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