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floating layer blocked
This is the "floating selection"(*). When you have a selection and apply a transform to a layer, only the part in the selection is transformed, and left in that floating layer, that you can either anchor (merge back into its source) (Layer ➤ Anchor or Ctrl-H) or create a new layer (Layer ➤ To new layer or Ctrl-Shift-N).  You can also apply some tools (move, most notably) to that floating selection before you anchor. Gimp disables the rest of the tools to have you make a decision.

However, this is one case where "Select all" and "Select none" are different. If there is no selection, the transform is applied to the layer directly, there is no floating selection.

(*) Which is admittedly a left-over from a time where Gimp had no layers and from another time where layers where costly.

Messages In This Thread
floating layer blocked - by Ps2Gimp - 02-05-2022, 10:09 PM
RE: floating layer blocked - by programmer_ceds - 02-05-2022, 10:16 PM
RE: floating layer blocked - by Ofnuts - 02-06-2022, 08:28 AM

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