First issue:
Quote:I have never really gotten the hang of adding plug-ins to GIMP, and now that I'm up to Version 2.10.14, I find myself at a loss finding repositories of existing plug-ins to add, as usual.
Very few repositories of scripts and plugins around now. The old ones you might find referenced (plugin-registry..etc) are gone and even then contain largely old/broken files. So you will have to scavenge around Gimp sites to find any. Best way is join a forum and ask. There is a tenuous plan by Gimp developers to start a collection.
Do not expect many plugins to come with a installer. One that does is the gmic plugin for Gimp When installed and updated comes with 520 filters of all sorts. Otherwise, very much hands on. Get (download) a script-fu
something.scm and that goes in
C:\Users\"yourname"\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\scripts and a plugin
something.exe or in
Second issue
Quote:I would especially like to add a bevel plug-in to create to create the ability in the layers palette to do bevels like PS has had for ages; if not that, a plug-in to add a filter to do the same.
Gimp does come with a bevel script
Filters -> Decor -> Bevel Unfortunately as Blighty points out the Gimp 2.10.14 bumpmap breaks it

see: You can apply the bumpmap yourself.
I will attach an old script that I sometimes use, works with a selection, hence when installed
Filters -> Distorts -> SelectionBevel Not wonderful, but does not need a bumpmap. Unzip, put in your plug-ins folder.
looks like