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how to make gimp an external editor on rawtherapee
Hi all,

I am working on a macOS ventura 13.6.7, trying to link gimp 2.10 as my external editor onto rawtherapee 5.10. On rawtherapee, I've open preferences > gone to external editor and made the command as follows /Applications/ 
However when I click the palette icon on rawtherapee,  a popup comes up saying rawtherapee quit unexpectedly. 

I've also used the following 3 GIMP profiles as per this article to see if it works, but it cannot start editor. I've also put my actual ID in the profile.
- /users/{your_id}/Library/GIMP/2.10/
- /users/{your_id}/Library/Application Support/GIMP/2.10/
- NSApplicationSupportDirectory/GIMP/2.10

I am wondering if anyone can help me with my command. Thank you!
There are not many OSX users around on this forum.

I recommend asking on where there is the most Rawtherapee activity.

Just one comment from your screenshot. You should not set the path to ...MacOS/gimp-console-2.10 it should be .......MacOS/gimp-2.10

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