New to gimp and working in to it bit by bit and getting dead ends partly I think doing things in the wrong order.
In the attached jpg I need to
1. select the round plate, rotate it slightly, and separate it from the background
2.fill the background with a solid colour
3. select a square around the plate slightly bigger so it sits against the coloured background.
4. set it up to print 8x8” at good resolution.
I suspect I am making a fairly simple task more difficult by doing steps in the wrong sequence.
Appreciate any help.
eg get crawling ants around both the plate and background and can't do anything with it
New to gimp and working in to it bit by bit and getting dead ends partly I think doing things in the wrong order.
In the attached jpg I need to
1. select the round plate, rotate it slightly, and separate it from the background
2.fill the background with a solid colour
3. select a square around the plate slightly bigger so it sits against the coloured background.
4. set it up to print 8x8” at good resolution.
I suspect I am making a fairly simple task more difficult by doing steps in the wrong sequence.
Appreciate any help.
eg get crawling ants around both the plate and background and can't do anything with it