Busy with programingforschildren with Python i need some pictures in GIMP with guides, OK, available , but
arakne_guide_lab is (wAS)in my opinion much more comfortabel ;-)
Now on a new pC with W11 and a GIMP installed this years version , I am not able to install it afredh.
On an older PC here the Gimp there can activate th guide_lab , used years ago
Found back an arakne_guide_lab_zip with (if rember correctly) contains all *.py files needed.
Tansferring them in the new local plugin directory of my now used PC ,: no success.
have a screenshot of tje guid-lab on my Iphone
how to send this screenshot to interested readers? or here into this thread??
Oh sorry, see:ing now : Add Attachmeent ( have tirst to copy the screenshot ot my pC)
Greets an have a nice day
sorry too thick, trying now to reduce sice ... will com back later
Screen shot was aroun 2MB, too big to post, trying to reduce it
picture smaller mad e (with GIMP)
arakne_guide_lab is (wAS)in my opinion much more comfortabel ;-)
Now on a new pC with W11 and a GIMP installed this years version , I am not able to install it afredh.
On an older PC here the Gimp there can activate th guide_lab , used years ago
Found back an arakne_guide_lab_zip with (if rember correctly) contains all *.py files needed.
Tansferring them in the new local plugin directory of my now used PC ,: no success.

have a screenshot of tje guid-lab on my Iphone
how to send this screenshot to interested readers? or here into this thread??
Oh sorry, see:ing now : Add Attachmeent ( have tirst to copy the screenshot ot my pC)
Greets an have a nice day
sorry too thick, trying now to reduce sice ... will com back later
Screen shot was aroun 2MB, too big to post, trying to reduce it
picture smaller mad e (with GIMP)