(01-17-2022, 06:27 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: Why are there black/empty tiles? Are they black or transparent?
What kind of criterion could be used to not export a tile (considering that other users may need black/transparent tiles).
Always when there is nothing in the picture, it exports black tiles. They are transparent but Windows 10 Explorer shows them as black.
I want a criterion of not exporting those black tiles when the tile in the picture is completely empty (no pixels, nothing at all in that area/tile).
This is how to replicate:
1. (Make a new image.) Make sure there is nothing in the picture and the canvas size is bigger than the something which you draw.
2. Make a new layer (make sure that it is the only layer).
3. Draw only 1 pixel on that layer anywhere. (

Attached a screenshot of it. It has 100 x 100 pixels as canvas size, only 1 layer with a red pixel on it.)
4. Export tiles, this will in result export everything including the tiles without any pixels.

Attached a screenshot of the exported files (exported as 10 x 10 pixels), every tile is empty except that one tile with that one pixel on it.
I don't want it to do that, Do not export tiles which are empty (no pixels), why should anybody want empty tiles?
Make it so that it only exports only the tiles with at least a pixel, please!