(11-07-2022, 09:51 AM)denzjos Wrote: The whole option was to simulate a CMYK process. Nice workflow. I get it, but I don't understand what you mean by 'crisp'. In Inkscape 'Image Rendering' I only find this options : auto, optimiseQuality, optimiseSpeed. In Inkscape I still don't see 'crisp' bounderies (see example done in gimp):Thanks.

Is this crisp edges? No. In addition to the options you list, mine has crisp-edges and pixelated.
I'm using an AppImage of Inkscape v1.0 (4035a4f, 2020-05-01) ...which seems like a weirdly low number, but that's what the about dialog says...
I'd be interested to know what version you're using. Nothing worse than relying on a feature in an app then finding it's been dropped by the developers!
You could try upgrading or downgrading, as the case may be..