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selection tool frustration
Does anybody know how to select an angle to fill without it "smart selecting" the angle?
all I want to do is overlay a polygon angle selection over the image I uploaded here and fill it with black
I tried the free selection tool and the paths tool and no success. I just want a clean edge instead of a pixelated edge and there is no reason the selection tool shouldn't be able to do this in my mind.
Thank you for any help!

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When you hit "Fill path", the dialog that comes up has an "Anti-aliasing" option. Make sure it is checked. The free-select tool also has an "anti-aliasing" option in the Tool options.

You can also go in Edit>Preferences>Dialog defaults, and scroll to the bottom to set a default anti-aliasing when stroking or filling paths or selections.

You can also use Edit>Preferences>Tools options>Save tool options now to save the tool options with anti-aliasing for the Free select. But:
  • This saves all the current options for all the tools, plus FG/BG color, pattern, gradient, and current tool (which becomes the default tool when you start Gimp), so better check your options before pressing that button
  • This works better if at the same time you make sure that "Save tool options on exit" is unchecked.
Quote:....I tried the free selection tool and the paths tool and no success. I just want a clean edge instead of a pixelated edge and there is no reason the selection tool shouldn't be able to do this in my mind...

Just a reminder Ofnuts is referring to  Edit -> Fill Path

Generally - Make a selection from path or use the free select tool then bucket fill and you will get anti-aliasing.

Something I never use Wink but you should also look at Edit -> Fill selection outline which works same as Edit -> Fill Path
(10-04-2019, 03:55 PM)rich2005 Wrote:
Quote:....I tried the free selection tool and the paths tool and no success. I just want a clean edge instead of a pixelated edge and there is no reason the selection tool shouldn't be able to do this in my mind...

Just a reminder Ofnuts is referring to  Edit -> Fill Path

Generally - Make a selection from path or use the free select tool then bucket fill and you will get anti-aliasing.

Something I never use Wink but you should also look at Edit -> Fill selection outline which works same as Edit -> Fill Path

Thank you guys! I did try that and I was a little confused being new to gimp so  I tried anti alias box checked and unchecked. and I selected fill path /solid color.... and wound up with a new jagged oversized pixel edge along the path as seen in the attached pic. Is this something to do with resizing pixels?
I'm thinking maybe I need to resize pixels or something?

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Gimp is a raster editor and works with pixels as a minimum unit.
The problem is you are working with a small part of an image.  The depth of the path / selection is only  9 pixels. Using Fill -> Path the fill is complete pixels as (1)


You can bucket fill and get some anti-aliasing which when viewed in the context of a large image "smooths" the diagonal edge. (2) The zoom factor for this is 3200 % looks very different at 100%


If you are hoping for a straight diagonal edge - no steps - no antialiasing,  then you are going to be disappointed.
Thank you!
That explained it.
I appreciate your help immensely
so to achieve what I was looking for I resized the image quadruple or more and then used your "fill path" solution
but also had to select path afterward then select  inverse to cut out the fuzzy resolution around the rest of the image.
Thanks again!
you saved me hours of frustration trying to learn a new program(former photoshop user until they made it so u couldn't just own the program anymore)

wrong format  for the screen shot here it is

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.pdf   3rd.pdf (Size: 90.17 KB / Downloads: 194)

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