I did a quicky (I've some friends which just stop by home to drink some beers), and I kind of forget to use .gif
roughly in the beginning
Balck BG, then ellipse tool make a circle (start to drag then Ctrl+Shift to get a perfect circle from the center)
Select ➤ to Path
Then Text tool write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (with space), then right click on the text layer To path (if don't do a perfect circle ➤ Ctrl+Z ➤ resize the text
Then rotate tool with path selected (in tool options) to put the 0 at the top
Nothe the "Main" for the gif:
duplicate name it "0 normal" select the 0 with a select tool (see in the "Channels" on the example) my selection
duplicate name it "0 neon 0" ➤ neon tool to 0
Duplicate "0 normal" name it "0 neon 1" ➤ Ctrl+Shift+F ➤ to call again neon tool, Hit Ctrl and put your mouse on the slider and use the mouse wheel to decrease/increase to 1 (by usingCtrl + mouse wheel it will decrease by 1 and NOT by 0.01
= way faster)
Duplicate "0 normal" name it "0 neon 2" then same as above, repeat all the zero, up to ten, then do "Main and Sub for 1, repeat for 2 etc...
Once it's done export as... put the .gif extension
and follow the parameters below EXCEPT the time/Delay between frames ➤ input 360000 (every 6mn) as gif seems to not handle different laps, so you will have an average
2 xcf (quite large) to download there ➤ https://www.filemail.com/d/ggprtmjdifkfkuz (1 is with layer-group, but can't be in indexed Mode Image ➤ Mode ➤ Indexed.. to become a gif, but you will see the full process, the other one is cleaner to remove parasite layers for the gif)
Result (minimized on 0 and 1 and accelerated at 400 milliseconds instead of minutes)
roughly in the beginning
Balck BG, then ellipse tool make a circle (start to drag then Ctrl+Shift to get a perfect circle from the center)
Select ➤ to Path
Then Text tool write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (with space), then right click on the text layer To path (if don't do a perfect circle ➤ Ctrl+Z ➤ resize the text
Then rotate tool with path selected (in tool options) to put the 0 at the top
Nothe the "Main" for the gif:
duplicate name it "0 normal" select the 0 with a select tool (see in the "Channels" on the example) my selection
duplicate name it "0 neon 0" ➤ neon tool to 0
Duplicate "0 normal" name it "0 neon 1" ➤ Ctrl+Shift+F ➤ to call again neon tool, Hit Ctrl and put your mouse on the slider and use the mouse wheel to decrease/increase to 1 (by usingCtrl + mouse wheel it will decrease by 1 and NOT by 0.01

Duplicate "0 normal" name it "0 neon 2" then same as above, repeat all the zero, up to ten, then do "Main and Sub for 1, repeat for 2 etc...
Once it's done export as... put the .gif extension
and follow the parameters below EXCEPT the time/Delay between frames ➤ input 360000 (every 6mn) as gif seems to not handle different laps, so you will have an average
2 xcf (quite large) to download there ➤ https://www.filemail.com/d/ggprtmjdifkfkuz (1 is with layer-group, but can't be in indexed Mode Image ➤ Mode ➤ Indexed.. to become a gif, but you will see the full process, the other one is cleaner to remove parasite layers for the gif)
Result (minimized on 0 and 1 and accelerated at 400 milliseconds instead of minutes)