I would like to know if there is any way to select the same shape of an image in all layers and then cut it and preserve it from changes. I expose my situation:
I want to erase the background behind the character, I am editing a gif file using the ofn-layer-tiles plugin and erasing the background with the color to alpha tool and the eraser. All very well until I realized that I cannot erase blue and white pixels from the background without also erasing them from the character (eyes and clothes). Erasing with the rubber layer by layer has been difficult for me and I was wondering if there is a way to "protect" the character by removing it from the selection or cutting it, because it is a static image, I share the progress that I have of the image now and also the original image:https://i.imgur.com/6pX6Z90.gif and original https://i.imgur.com/gDRIbQX.mp4
I hope I have been clear and can help me
Translated by Google translator
I want to erase the background behind the character, I am editing a gif file using the ofn-layer-tiles plugin and erasing the background with the color to alpha tool and the eraser. All very well until I realized that I cannot erase blue and white pixels from the background without also erasing them from the character (eyes and clothes). Erasing with the rubber layer by layer has been difficult for me and I was wondering if there is a way to "protect" the character by removing it from the selection or cutting it, because it is a static image, I share the progress that I have of the image now and also the original image:https://i.imgur.com/6pX6Z90.gif and original https://i.imgur.com/gDRIbQX.mp4
I hope I have been clear and can help me
Translated by Google translator