#!/usr/bin/env python """ ShellOut.py call an external program passing the active layer as a temp file. Windows Only(?) Author: Rob Antonishen Version: 0.8 updated for GIMP 3.x compatibility 0.7 fixed file save bug where all files were png regardless of extension 0.6 modified to allow for a returned layer that is a different size than the saved layer for 0.5 file extension parameter in program list. 0.4 modified to support many optional programs. this script is modelled after the mm extern LabCurves trace plugin by Michael Munzert http://www.mm-log.com/lab-curves-gimp and thanks to the folds at gimp-chat has grown a bit ;) License: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. The GNU Public License is available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html """ import gi gi.require_version('Gimp', '3.0') import shlex import subprocess import os, sys import tempfile from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import Gimp # Define plug-in metadata PROC_NAME = "python-fu-shellout" HELP = "Call an external program" DOC = "Call an external program passing the active layer as a temp file" AUTHOR = "Rob Antonishen" COPYRIGHT = "Copyright 2011 Rob Antonishen" DATE = "2025-03-24" # Program list function (globals are evil) def listcommands(option=None): # Insert additional shell command into this list. They will show up in the drop menu in this order. # Use the syntax: # ["Menu Label", "command", "ext"] # # Where what gets executed is command filename, so include any flags needed in the command. programlist = [ ["DFine 2", "\"C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Nik Collection\\Dfine 2\\Dfine2.exe\"", "png"], ["Sharpener Pro 3", "\"C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Nik Collection\\Sharpener Pro 3\\SHP3OS.exe\"", "png"], ["Viveza 2", "\"C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Nik Collection\\Viveza 2\\Viveza 2.exe\"", "png"], ["Color Efex Pro 4", "\"C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Nik Collection\\Color Efex Pro 4\\Color Efex Pro 4.exe\"", "jpg"], ["Analog Efex Pro 2", "\"C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Nik Collection\\Analog Efex Pro 2\\Analog Efex Pro 2.exe\"", "jpg"], ["HDR Efex Pro 2", "\"C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Nik Collection\\HDR Efex Pro 2\\HDR Efex Pro 2.exe\"", "jpg"], ["Silver Efex Pro 2", "\"C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Nik Collection\\Silver Efex Pro 2\\Silver Efex Pro 2.exe\"", "jpg"], ["", "", ""] ] if option is None: # no parameter return menu list, otherwise return the appropriate array menulist = [] for i in programlist: if i[0] != "": menulist.append(i[0]) return menulist else: return programlist[option] def plugin_main(procedure, run_mode, image, n_drawables, drawables, config, data): # Get parameters visible = config.get_property("visible") command_idx = config.get_property("command") if n_drawables == 0: return procedure.new_return_values(Gimp.PDBStatusType.CALLING_ERROR, GLib.Error()) drawable = drawables[0] # Start an undo group Gimp.context_push() image.undo_group_start() # Copy so the save operations doesn't affect the original if visible == 0: # Use the active drawable temp = drawable else: # Get the current visible temp = Gimp.Layer.new_from_visible(image, image, "Visible") image.insert_layer(temp, None, 0) # Copy the layer content buffer = Gimp.edit_named_copy([temp], "ShellOutTemp") # Save selection if one exists hassel = not Gimp.Selection.is_empty(image) if hassel: savedsel = Gimp.Selection.save(image) # Create a new image with the copied content tempimage = Gimp.edit_named_paste_as_new_image(buffer) Gimp.Buffer.delete(buffer) if not tempimage: image.undo_group_end() Gimp.context_pop() return procedure.new_return_values(Gimp.PDBStatusType.EXECUTION_ERROR, GLib.Error()) Gimp.Image.undo_disable(tempimage) # Get the active layer from the temp image tempdrawable = Gimp.Image.get_active_layer(tempimage) # Get the program to run and filetype progtorun = listcommands(command_idx) # Use temp file names from gimp, it reflects the user's choices in gimp.rc # change as indicated if you always want to use the same temp file name # tempfilename = pdb.gimp_temp_name(progtorun[2]) tempfilename = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "ShellOutTempFile." + progtorun[2]) # !!! Note no run-mode first parameter, and user entered filename is empty string Gimp.progress_init("Saving a copy") Gimp.file_save(Gimp.RunMode.NONINTERACTIVE, tempimage, tempdrawable, GLib.file_new_for_path(tempfilename)) # Build command line call command = progtorun[1] + " \"" + tempfilename + "\"" args = shlex.split(command) # Invoke external command Gimp.progress_init("Calling " + progtorun[0] + "...") Gimp.progress_pulse() child = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=False) child.communicate() # put it as a new layer in the opened image try: newlayer2 = Gimp.file_load_layer(Gimp.RunMode.NONINTERACTIVE, tempimage, GLib.file_new_for_path(tempfilename)) except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading file: {e}") image.undo_group_end() Gimp.context_pop() return procedure.new_return_values(Gimp.PDBStatusType.EXECUTION_ERROR, GLib.Error()) tempimage.insert_layer(newlayer2, None, -1) buffer = Gimp.edit_named_copy([newlayer2], "ShellOutTemp") if visible == 0: Gimp.Item.resize(drawable, newlayer2.get_width(), newlayer2.get_height(), 0, 0) sel = Gimp.edit_named_paste(drawable, buffer, True) Gimp.Item.transform_translate(drawable, (tempdrawable.get_width() - newlayer2.get_width()) / 2, (tempdrawable.get_height() - newlayer2.get_height()) / 2) else: Gimp.Item.resize(temp, newlayer2.get_width(), newlayer2.get_height(), 0, 0) sel = Gimp.edit_named_paste(temp, buffer, True) Gimp.Item.transform_translate(temp, (tempdrawable.get_width() - newlayer2.get_width()) / 2, (tempdrawable.get_height() - newlayer2.get_height()) / 2) Gimp.Buffer.delete(buffer) Gimp.edit_clear([temp]) Gimp.floating_sel_anchor(sel) # load up old selection if hassel: Gimp.Selection.load(savedsel) image.remove_channel(savedsel) # cleanup os.remove(tempfilename) # delete the temporary file tempimage.delete() # delete the temporary image # End the undo group image.undo_group_end() Gimp.displays_flush() Gimp.context_pop() return procedure.new_return_values(Gimp.PDBStatusType.SUCCESS, GLib.Error()) class ShellOut(Gimp.PlugIn): def do_query_procedures(self): """Return the name of the procedure this plugin defines""" return [PROC_NAME] def do_create_procedure(self, name): """Create the procedure""" procedure = Gimp.ImageProcedure.new(self, name, Gimp.PDBProcType.PLUGIN, plugin_main, None) procedure.set_image_types("RGB*, GRAY*") procedure.set_menu_label("ShellOut...") procedure.set_attribution(AUTHOR, COPYRIGHT, DATE) procedure.set_documentation(HELP, DOC, None) procedure.add_menu_path("/Filters/ShellOut...") # FIXME: How to open menu and get return values and pass into main_plugin()? return procedure Gimp.main(ShellOut.__gtype__, sys.argv)