Gimp Startrail plugin instilation - joseph@linux - 11-18-2021
I am trying to install in Gimp 2.10
This is some of what I have tried:
joe@joe-GA-78LMT-USB3:~$ sudo cp /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/
[sudo] password for joe:
joe@joe-GA-78LMT-USB3:~$ sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/
joe@joe-GA-78LMT-USB3:~$ cd /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/
joe@joe-GA-78LMT-USB3:/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins$ ls
alien-map file-gih metadata
align-layers file-glob mosaic
animation-optimize file-header newsprint
animation-play file-html-table nl-filter
antialias file-ico noise-hsv
apply-canvas file-jpeg noise-randomize
blinds file-mng noise-rgb
blur noise-solid
blur-gauss file-pat noise-spread
blur-gauss-selective file-pcx nova
blur-motion file-pdf-load oilify
border-average file-pdf-save pagecurl
bump-map file-pix
cartoon file-png
channel-mixer file-pnm
checkerboard file-ps photocopy
cml-explorer file-psd-load pixelize
color-cube-analyze file-psd-save plasma
color-enhance file-psp plugin-browser
color-exchange file-raw polar-coords
colorify file-sgi print
colormap-remap file-sunras procedure-browser
color-rotate file-svg
color-to-alpha file-tga file-tiff-load
compose file-tiff-save
contrast-normalize file-uri qbist
contrast-retinex file-wmf red-eye-removal
contrast-stretch file-xbm ripple
contrast-stretch-hsv file-xjt rotate
convolution-matrix file-xmc sample-colorize
crop-auto file-xpm screenshot
crop-zealous file-xwd script-fu
cubism film selection-to-path
curve-bend filter-pack semi-flatten
decompose flame sharpen
deinterlace shift
depth-merge fractal-explorer sinus
despeckle fractal-trace smooth-palette
destripe gfig softglow
diffraction gimpressionist sparkle
displace gradient-flare sphere-designer
edge gradient-map
edge-laplace grid threshold-alpha
edge-neon guillotine tile
edge-sobel help tile-glass
emboss hot tile-paper
engrave ifs-compose tile-seamless
file-aa illusion tile-small
file-bmp imagemap unit-editor
file-cel iwarp unsharp-mask
file-compressor jigsaw value-invert
file-csource lcms value-propagate
file-desktop-link lens-apply van-gogh-lic
file-dicom lens-distortion video
file-faxg3 lens-flare warp
file-fits lighting waves
file-fli mail web-browser
file-gbr map-object whirl-pinch
file-gif-load max-rgb wind
file-gif-save maze
joe@joe-GA-78LMT-USB3:/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Gimp Startrail Compositor
# Version : 1.8
# Christopher Pearson
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import os
from gimpfu import *
import gettext
locale_directory = gimp.locale_directory
gettext.install( "gimp20-template" , locale_directory, unicode=True )
allowed_import_types = ["jpg","jpeg","tiff","tif","bmp","png"]
def file_is_image(file_name):
is_image = 0
ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] # get the extension
ext = ext.replace(".", "") # rip off the . from the extension
if ext.lower() in allowed_import_types: # is this an image?
is_image = 1
def get_new_image(raw_image, fade=None):
image = None
if hasattr(gimp.Image, "precision"):
image = pdb.gimp_image_new_with_precision(raw_image.active_layer.width, raw_image.active_layer.height, 0,
image = pdb.gimp_image_new(raw_image.active_layer.width, raw_image.active_layer.height, 0)
# When using "fade in and out" we need to add a black layer to the image:
# this will ensure the light frames (with opacity < 100) will be stacked on
# a dark background.
if fade != None and fade == 3: # fade in and out
layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new(
image.add_layer(layer, 1)
pdb.gimp_drawable_fill(layer, FILL_WHITE)
pdb.gimp_drawable_invert(layer, 0)
return image
def process_dark_frame(file_name, image, layer_count):
dark_frame = pdb.gimp_file_load(file_name,"")
# have we got a base image to work with?
if image == None:
# create a base image based on the dark frame
image = get_new_image(dark_frame)
# get the main layer of the new frame
dark_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_drawable(dark_frame.active_layer, image)
# set the opacity to create an average image:
# formula taken from
dark_layer.opacity = 100.0 / layer_count
# add the new layer and flatten down to keep memory useage down.
# Get rid of the image we loaded up.
def create_dark_image(dark_frames):
dark_image = None
layer_count = 1
images = os.listdir(dark_frames)
for file_name in images:
file_name = os.path.join(dark_frames, file_name)
if file_is_image(file_name):
dark_image = process_dark_frame(file_name, dark_image, layer_count)
layer_count += 1
return dark_image
def save_intermediate_frame(image, image_count, directory):
# build a save file_name pad the number to 5 digits which should be plenty for any timelapse.
intermediate_save_file_name = os.path.join(directory, "trail" + str(image_count).zfill(5) + ".jpg")
def process_light_frame(file_name, image, dark_image, merge_layers, image_count, subtract_skyglow, opacity, fade):
# load up the light frame into an image
light_frame = pdb.gimp_file_load(file_name,"")
# have we got a base image to work with?
if image == None:
# create a base image based on the light frame
image = get_new_image(light_frame, fade)
# did we make a dark frame?
if dark_image != None:
# As we have a dark image we need to subtract it from the light frame.
# create a new layer from the dark image
dark_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_drawable(dark_image.active_layer, light_frame)
# set the layer to layer_mode_difference
dark_layer.mode = SUBTRACT_MODE
# add the layer to the light_frame
light_frame.add_layer(dark_layer, 0)
# flatten
if subtract_skyglow != 0:
glow_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_drawable (light_frame.active_layer, light_frame)
glow_layer.mode = SUBTRACT_MODE
if subtract_skyglow == 1:
glow_layer.opacity = 25.0
elif subtract_skyglow == 2:
glow_layer.opacity = 50.0
elif subtract_skyglow == 3:
glow_layer.opacity = 75.0
glow_layer.opacity = 100.0
# add this as new layer
pdb.plug_in_gauss(light_frame, glow_layer, 500, 500, 0)
# Set the light frame to layer_mode_lighten
light_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new_from_drawable(light_frame.active_layer, image)
light_layer.mode = LIGHTEN_ONLY_MODE
light_layer.opacity = opacity
# add this as new layer
if merge_layers == 1:
else: = "layer " + str(image_count).zfill(5)
# clean up our temp bits.
def compute_opacities(fade, fade_in_amount, fade_out_amount, n_images):
opacities = []
image_indexes = list(range(n_images))
if fade == 1:
opacities, _ = opacities_from_fade_amount(fade_in_amount, n_images)
elif fade == 2:
opacities, _ = opacities_from_fade_amount(fade_out_amount, n_images)
elif fade == 3:
# to avoid jumps between fade_in and fade_out:
# 1. chose a parameter to control the other: fade_out_amount controls fade_in_amount
# 2. requires fade_in_amount + fade_out_amount <= 100
# "less than" means that there may be a certain amount of trail where opacity = 100
if fade_in_amount + fade_out_amount > 100:
fade_in_amount = 100 - fade_out_amount
opacities_in, N_in = opacities_from_fade_amount(fade_in_amount, n_images)
opacities_out, N_out = opacities_from_fade_amount(fade_out_amount, n_images)
# the stack is setup to use the fade out formula: we need to reverse the opacities to get the fade in
opacities = [opacities_in[i] if i < (n_images - N_out) else opacities_out[i] for i in image_indexes]
opacities = [100.0 for i in image_indexes]
return opacities
def opacities_from_fade_amount(fade_amount, n_images):
opacities = []
image_indexes = list(range(n_images))
N = int(fade_amount * n_images / 100.0)
if N == n_images:
opacities = [100.0 - (i * 100.0 / N) for i in image_indexes]
opacities = [100.0 if i < (n_images - N - 1) else 100.0 - ((i - (n_images - N - 1)) * 100.0 / (N + 1)) for i in image_indexes]
return opacities, N
def startrail(frames, use_dark_frames, dark_frames, save_intermediate, save_directory, live_display, merge_layers, subtract_skyglow, fade, fade_in_amount, fade_out_amount):
#Do some santity checking before we start
# Light frames
if len(frames) == 0:
pdb.gimp_message("No light frame path provided.")
if not os.path.exists(frames):
pdb.gimp_message("Light frame path doesn't exist.")
# Dark frames
if use_dark_frames == 1 and not os.path.exists(dark_frames):
pdb.gimp_message("Dark frame save path doesn't exist.")
# Intermediate frame path
if save_intermediate == 1 and not os.path.exists(save_directory):
pdb.gimp_message("Intermediate frame save path doesn't exist.")
# create 1 dark frame averaged from all of them
dark_image = None
if use_dark_frames == 1:
dark_image = create_dark_image(dark_frames)
# Define an image to work in.
# This will be created from the first light frame we process
image = None
images = os.listdir(frames)
# reversing the list is necessary in order to be able to use the same opacity formula
if fade == 1: # Fade in
# compute the opacity values based on the selected fade options
opacities = compute_opacities(fade, fade_in_amount, fade_out_amount, len(images))
for image_count, file_name in enumerate(images):
file_name = os.path.join(frames, file_name)
if file_is_image(file_name):
image = process_light_frame(file_name, image, dark_image, merge_layers,image_count + 1, subtract_skyglow, opacities[image_count], fade)
if save_intermediate == 1:
save_intermediate_frame(image, image_count + 1, save_directory)
if live_display == 1:
# If first frame display the image to screen.
if image_count + 1 == 1:
# Update the display
# show the new image if we managed to make one.
if image == None:
pdb.gimp_message("No images found to stack")
if image != None:
if live_display == 1 :
if dark_image != None:
gimp.delete(dark_image) # we don't need this any more so get rid of it so not to leak.
"Christopher Pearson",
"GPL v3",
(PF_DIRNAME, "frames","Light Frames",""),
(PF_TOGGLE, "use_dark_frames","Use dark frame",0),
(PF_DIRNAME, "dark_frames","Dark Frames",""),
(PF_TOGGLE, "save_intermediate","Save intermediate frames",0),
(PF_DIRNAME, "save_directory","Intermediate save directory",""),
(PF_TOGGLE, "live_display","Live display update (much slower)",0),
(PF_TOGGLE, "merge_layers","Merge all images to a single layer",1),
(PF_OPTION, "subtract_skyglow","Subtract skyglow (much slower)",0, ["None", "Light", "Moderate", "Heavy", "Full"]),
(PF_OPTION, "fade", "Fade trails", 0, ["None", "In", "Out", "In and Out"]),
(PF_SPINNER, "fade_in_amount", "Fade In amount [%]", 100, (1, 100, 1)),
(PF_SPINNER, "fade_out_amount", "Fade Out amount [%]", 100, (1, 100, 1))
domain=("gimp20-template", locale_directory)
Any help would be appreciated Thank you
RE: Gimp Startrail plugin instilation - rich2005 - 11-18-2021
First of all, what version of Gimp (from repository or flatpak or snap ) is installed Also version of linux might help.
Some newer versions of linux, latest Debian / Ubuntu 20.04 and later /Mint 20 provide a Gimp 2.10 that does not support python (that is python 2 that Gimp uses) and the plugin will not work with the version of Gimp from the repositories. Similarly the SNAP Gimp 2.10 version from Ubuntu does not support python. Avoid that version.
If you have a regular Gimp installation that does support python then the place for the plugin is in your Gimp user profile, and it is hidden in your home partition so enable hidden files and look for ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins/
You can use a terminal for this but these days the regular file manager that comes with linux should do it . The plugin needs to be executable. If you downloaded the whole zip from it already is but check anyway.
This a 60 second example so do not blink:
What to do if you have a Gimp with no python. The flatpak version (see has built-in python support, but the Gimp user profile is in a different place. Buried down in ~/.var/app/org.gimp.GIMP/config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins Put the plugin there.
How does the plugin work ? It needs a sequence of images, time lapse maybe. It needs an open image, empty will do for the python dialogue to show. Run the plugin. File -> Create -> Startrail Locate the image sequence and set the values
30 second example:
RE: Gimp Startrail plugin instilation - joseph@linux - 11-19-2021
This is where I found out about getting the startrail application:
Please see the post from December 29,2019 in above URL
I will try to use what you have told me.
Thank you
RE: Gimp Startrail plugin instilation - rich2005 - 11-19-2021
facebook - you must log in to continue - no thanks, I will skip that one.
RE: Gimp Startrail plugin instilation - joseph@linux - 11-22-2021
If I want to remove the version of gimp that I downloaded from flatpak, How do I do that ?
RE: Gimp Startrail plugin instilation - rich2005 - 11-22-2021
(11-22-2021, 07:42 AM)joseph@linux Wrote: If I want to remove the version of gimp that I downloaded from flatpak, How do I do that ?
A good question. In a terminal if you run the command
It lists the command line options.
To uninstall flatpak Gimp, list the components and use the uninstall switch. As linux will auto complete names using the tab key. Uninstall one at a time or several. Example, you probably do not have mint theme. Use the listing for your version of linux.
flatpak uninstall org.gimp.GIMP org.gimp.GIMP.Manual org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264 org.gnome.Platform org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Mint-Y
Next question. What are you going to replace it with (if anything) The other options SNAP, repo, PPA do not have Gimp python2. Therefore no python plugins work.
RE: Gimp Startrail plugin instilation - PixLab - 11-25-2021
(11-22-2021, 08:46 AM)rich2005 Wrote: Next question. What are you going to replace it with (if anything) The other options SNAP, repo, PPA do not have Gimp python2. Therefore no python plugins work.
I did installed python2 ➤ sudo apt install python2
If one day I ever need to switch back to python 3.x ➤
RE: Gimp Startrail plugin instilation - rich2005 - 11-25-2021
For anyone using a Debian 10 (I think) and spin-offs such as 'ubuntu 20.x and later , Mint 20 etc... These have moved on to python3 by default although as PixLab points out python2 packages are there to install. I do not know about other linux distributions, check with your linux forum / information page.
The version of Gimp 2.10. 18 or 24 from these linux repositories (also the Panda-Jim PPA) do not have a gimp-python package. No gimp-python therefore no working python plugins.
At the moment it is possible to add old gimp-python packages and there is information here:
The only other option for an up-to-date Gimp version with python2 support is the flatpack version. (or the Windows version)
EDIT: For linux users there is still a portable, an appimage available, a Gimp 2.10.22 which also includes its own python2.
RE: Gimp Startrail plugin instilation - PixLab - 11-26-2021
(11-25-2021, 08:40 AM)rich2005 Wrote: EDIT: For linux users there is still a portable, an appimage available, a Gimp 2.10.22 which also includes its own python2.
Yes, this one is nice, I did used it for a quite a while, still have it (in case of...) and use it, it did stops updating at 2.10."25" (which is a 2.10.24), all python's plugins are working smoothly
RE: Gimp Startrail plugin instilation - Ofnuts - 11-29-2021
(11-25-2021, 08:40 AM)rich2005 Wrote: The only other option for an up-to-date Gimp version with python2 support is the flatpack version.
There is also the self-compiled version