Etched in Stone - Printable Version

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Etched in Stone - rickk - 03-01-2022

I'm trying to develop a skill here, more than just trying to slap image "A" onto background "B",  so I'm kinda looking more for which procedures I should practice, than trying to solve an immediate goal.

I've run  a few searches, tried to follow their tutorials (Filters>Decor>Stencil carve, for one example) and ended up less than happy with the results I've obtained

What I hope to do, is something like this:

[Image: jS9VZr6.png]

Particularly where the white arrow points to the bird.

For instance, using this image:

On this background:

Everything  I've tried thus far, I lose the details of the wing feathers into a mottled glob. It's important to me that the finished result appear engraved and not just "painted on"

And again, I'm looking mostly for the procedures I need to practice, than just trying to get this one project completed.

Thanks for constructive guidance.

RE: Etched in Stone - rich2005 - 03-01-2022

I will throw a couple of thoughts into the hat.

The duck is greyscale and the background RGB not a problem if the duck is opened on-top Just make sure all are RGB.

Using Desaturate and Color-2-Grey with a small radius and 'Enhance Shadows' on Almost the same as a bump map. Much
 reduced opacity to suit the BG.


Bumpmapping that using the layer as its own Aux Input. Inverted and small depth might give a slightly more engraved look. 


RE: Etched in Stone - rickk - 03-02-2022

Yes, that looks far better than anything I managed. I think you've put me on the right track. Much obliged!!