Crop Scale Desaturate script - ChatGPT seems to make a mess - tkemmere - 04-26-2023
To not unnecessarily bother the people on this forum, I tried to have ChatGPT put a script togther for me. But ChatGPT cannot manage, however hard I try to prompt it clearly.
Here's the question:
Write me a complete python script for the Gimp that does the following for me. I will start by manually activating the crop tool and marking an area for cropping. after I mark the area I want to start the script and then it does the following for me:
- Run a crop on the crop selection I already made;
- Adjust the longest side of the image to 2000 pixels, (and the other side to ratio)
- Reduce the saturation to 0
The best it came up with after about 10 attempts, was this:
def crop_scale_desaturate(image, drawable):
# Crop the image to the current selection
# Scale the image to a maximum size of 2000 pixels on the longest side
max_size = 2000
width, height = drawable.width, drawable.height
if width > height:
scale_width = max_size
scale_height = (height * max_size) // width
scale_width = (width * max_size) // height
scale_height = max_size
pdb.gimp_image_scale(image, scale_width, scale_height)
# Desaturate the image
pdb.gimp_desaturate_full(cropped_image, DESATURATE_LIGHTNESS)
# Show the results
This is sort of the best of the 10 worlds. Is it close? It is not working, that is for sure. The closest that I got to result, was the whole image resized and a black rectangle in the middle...
I have no idea why it needs to clear / select none / invert / cut / select none. I would just want to "hit enter", since I already made the selection ready for cropping. But I guess that does not exsist.
When I ask it why we need all those, GPT says that it is not needed, but then it puts it right back in every time. I guess this is called hallucinating.
I also tried with rectangular selection (instead of using the croptool), and crop from there, But I can't get that to work either.
# get current selection
selection = pdb.gimp_selection_save(image)
# Crop image
cropped_image = pdb.gimp_edit_paste_as_new()
# Crop prev selected area
pdb.gimp_image_select_item(image, CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE, selection)
How would you go about this?
Resizing, desaturation and registration are working.
Thanks, Thomas.
RE: Crop Scale Desaturate script - ChatGPT seems to make a mess - tkemmere - 04-27-2023
(04-26-2023, 09:24 PM)Some inprovements to my post in red .tkemmere Wrote: Hi,
To not unnecessarily bother the people on this forum, I tried to have ChatGPT put a script togther for me. But ChatGPT cannot manage, however hard I try to prompt it clearly.
Here's the question:
Write me a complete python script for the Gimp that does the following for me. I will start by manually activating the crop tool and marking an area for cropping. After I mark the area I want to start the script and then it should do the following for me:
- Run a crop on the crop selection I made beforehand;
- Adjust the longest side of the image to 2000 pixels, (and the other side to ratio)
- Reduce the saturation to 0
The best it came up with after about 10 attempts, was probably this:
def crop_scale_desaturate(image, drawable):
# Crop the image to the current selection
# Scale the image to a maximum size of 2000 pixels on the longest side
max_size = 2000
width, height = drawable.width, drawable.height
if width > height:
scale_width = max_size
scale_height = (height * max_size) // width
scale_width = (width * max_size) // height
scale_height = max_size
pdb.gimp_image_scale(image, scale_width, scale_height)
# Desaturate the image
pdb.gimp_desaturate_full(cropped_image, DESATURATE_LIGHTNESS)
# Show the results
This is sort of the best of the 10 worlds. Is it close? It is not working, that's for sure. The closest that I got to result, was the whole image resized and a black rectangle in the middle...
I have no idea why it needs to clear / select none / invert / cut / select none. I would just want to "hit enter", since I already made the selection ready for cropping. But I guess that does not exist.
When I ask it why we need all those, GPT says that it is not needed, but then it puts it right back in every time. I guess this is called hallucinating.
I also tried with rectangular selection (instead of using the crop tool), and crop from there, But I can't get that to work either.
# get current selection
selection = pdb.gimp_selection_save(image)
# Crop image
cropped_image = pdb.gimp_edit_paste_as_new()
# Crop prev selected area
pdb.gimp_image_select_item(image, CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE, selection)
At one stage it also came up with a separate window that was supposed to have the result, which was actually nice. But is was black.
# Deselect
# copy
floating_sel = pdb.gimp_edit_copy(drawable)
new_image = pdb.gimp_edit_paste_as_new(floating_sel)
# select
pdb.gimp_rect_select(new_image, 0, 0, new_image.width, new_image.height, 0, False, 0)
# Crop
pdb.gimp_image_crop(new_image, new_image.width, new_image.height, 0, 0)
# Schale
if new_image.width > new_image.height:
pdb.gimp_image_scale(new_image, 2000, new_image.height * 2000 / new_image.width)
pdb.gimp_image_scale(new_image, new_image.width * 2000 / new_image.height, 2000)
# Desaturate
cropped_image = new_image.layers[0]
pdb.gimp_desaturate_full(cropped_image, DESATURATE_LIGHTNESS)
# Show
How would you go about this? Did ChatGPT actually make any sense anywhere?
I guess yes, cause resizing, desaturation and registration are working, that is not where the problem is.
Thanks if any body is available to help me out!
Regards, Thomas.
RE: Crop Scale Desaturate script - ChatGPT seems to make a mess - Kevin - 04-27-2023
Here's how I'd do part of your requirement:
selection, x1, y1, x2, y2 = pdb.gimp_selection_bounds(Image)
pdb.gimp_image_crop(Image, (x2-x1), (y2 - y1), x1, y1)
pdb.gimp_drawable_desaturate(Drawable, 2)
You have to have made a selection using the Rectangle select tool, not using the crop tool.