How do I use the non-legacy version of Emboss from Python-fu? - Printable Version

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How do I use the non-legacy version of Emboss from Python-fu? - weanoob - 07-10-2024

(07-10-2024, 01:12 AM)weanoob Wrote: I'm writing a script that involves the use of emboss to create a specific effect. When I try
 it uses the legacy emboss effect. How can I use the non-legacy version from python?

(I was told to post this in Extending the GIMP, then saw this subforum and decided to start it here instead.)

RE: How do I use the non-legacy version of Emboss from Python-fu? - Ofnuts - 07-10-2024

There is no easy way to call the GEGL tools from a script, but it can be done, see here.

RE: How do I use the non-legacy version of Emboss from Python-fu? - rich2005 - 07-10-2024

Go and have a look through Kevins post as Ofnuts link, there are other posts on the GimpChat forum.

To get you started. The GEGL syntax for emboss is here:

You can check for a valid command using Generic -> GEGL graph


...but to include that into a python script you need a utility plugin such as the attached . Your script will call that plugin. Also in the attached zip is an example

Unzip, and put both in your plugins folder.  The example registers in the tools menu as run_gegl I have tried in Win10 / Gimp 2.10.38 - it does work.

RE: How do I use the non-legacy version of Emboss from Python-fu? - weanoob - 08-01-2024

I figured it out. I will not let this be a "PM'd you the fix Big Grin " moment.

from gimpfu import *
import pygtk
import gtk
from sys import argv, platform
from ctypes import *

def load_library (library_name):
    if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2":
        library_name = library_name + '.so.0'
    elif platform == "win32":
        from ctypes.util import find_library
        library_name = find_library (library_name + "-0")
        raise BaseException ("TODO")
    return CDLL (library_name)

gimp = load_library('libgimp-2.0')

def use_gegl_graph(image, drawable, gegl_graph_string):
    class GeglBuffer(Structure):
    drawable_id = drawable.ID
    gegl = load_library ('libgegl-0.4')
    sucess = gegl.gegl_init (None, None)
    gimp.gimp_drawable_get_shadow_buffer.restype = POINTER (GeglBuffer)
    gimp.gimp_drawable_get_buffer.restype        = POINTER (GeglBuffer)

    x = c_int (); y = c_int (); w = c_int (); h = c_int ()
    non_empty,x,y,w,h = pdb.gimp_drawable_mask_intersect (drawable)
    args = [b"string", c_char_p (gegl_graph_string), c_void_p ()]
    if non_empty:
        source = gimp.gimp_drawable_get_buffer (drawable_id)
        target = gimp.gimp_drawable_get_shadow_buffer (drawable_id)
        sucess = gegl.gegl_render_op (source, target, "gegl:gegl", *args)
        gegl.gegl_buffer_flush (target)
        gimp.gimp_drawable_merge_shadow (drawable_id, PushUndo = True)
        gimp.gimp_drawable_update (drawable_id, x, y, w, h)
        gimp.gimp_displays_flush ()

def emboss(timg, tdrawable, depth=4, elevation=12.5):
   gegl_graph_string = "emboss azimuth=30.0 depth={0} elevation={1}".format(depth, elevation)
   use_gegl_graph(timg, tdrawable, gegl_graph_string)

I don't remember where I got most of this code from, probably this forum.