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Glowing Effect in areas of Gif
So, I have taught myself a lot of gimp, but I am not an artist and sometimes lack the basic vocabulary to even know how to search for what I want to learn how to do.  I want to make a gif where the background is static and have a very slight "glow" or "pulse" effect in a particular spot or along an outline or even more simply, along a line.  I dont even know what to call it or how to search for it.  Ive made a lot of gifs and understand layers ok enough, but this simple thing seems to be escaping me.

Two examples.  They are more advanced than what I need to do but show it well.: - the glowing pulse, top right under his name. - the glowing propagating yellow line that reaches out to each portrait.

Maybe I think it should be too simple, but along a line it seems like I should be able to do some motion blur along a line over 4-5 layers but I feel like I am doing it the hard way.  Its also possible that the linked images are not possible with gimp, and that is fine too.  I just dont know how to describe it well enough to search for it myself.  Thanks in advance.
If both are animated (as second example) then you need the two separate animations and merge them together. One or both will need transparency. The effect used all depends on your editing skills

Ofnuts plugin is the tool for this: page with plugins: about 40 down Wink this one

direct link

There are some requirements, RGB, same number of layers, same canvas size. Other than that just a matter of the two animations to create a third. The same plugin will add a single image background or a single image logo (sprite) to an animation.

[Image: 6G1MYG4.jpg]

which gives this feeble attempt. Needs more glow Wink
[Image: opLSpon.gif]
You can make that particle effect by blurring a copy of the text, setting the Layermode to 'Dissolve' and reduce the opacity.
The 'Interleave layers' plugin doesn't work with 2.10.6, as I just tried to interleave one set of 500 layers with another 500, it merely gives me 2 layers in a separate image, whereas normally that separate image would have 1000 layers..
as with a lot of scripts etc from 2.8 GIMP.. doesn't seem to work.
It does work but not for what you intend. It does not take two stacks of layers and shuffle like a pack of cards leaving both.

It does shuffles then merges each to create a combined animation. Why would you want to combine one animation as 'odd' layers and the other as 'even' layers? That will make a strange animation.

There will be a script that does what you want somewhere, just can not find one at the moment. The alternative I was thinking of, also merges the layers.
Yes, what I'm thinking of doing would look weird... I decided to merge instead. Although still open to looking at any other script you can find : )
Still not able to find a one-shot script.

What is possible as a work-around, two plugins (attached) &

If your images originate from a gif. Open and change the mode to RGB.

Anitools will rename all the layers, choose one of the animations and 'Tools -> Anitools -> Rename all layers'
No entry as a name gives 0 , 1 , 2 ...500 Repeat this time with an 'a' giving 0a , 1a , 2a ...500a 

The same for the other animation but just a straight 0 , 1 , 2 ...

Save those as .xcf

Open first , then Open as layers second Use Layers -> sort-layer to give a stack 0 , 0a , 1 , 1a , 2 , 2a ...

some screenshots linux Gimp 2.10.6 checked out in Windows as well, works there.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 2.26 KB / Downloads: 181)
Problems with ordering:




Yeah, you need some leading zeros.

Also a bit of disk space and two folders, one for each animation.

Still using Anitools, for each animation in turn Tools -> Anitools -> Export all layers as PNG to those separate folders. That gives a set of images 001.png , 002.png .. Which is good for up to 999.png

Open one of those sets of images 'File -> Open as layers' & select all. The layers are named 001.png 002.png..etc

Now add the other folder to that using Open as Layers Gimp will rename those 001.png#1 002.png#1 ...

Now you can apply Layers -> Sort Layers
Dear me, talk about overlooking the obvious.

Ofnuts plugin

Set Merge to No

[Image: 1hAaqua.jpg]

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