Posts: 13
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Joined: Feb 2019
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To add to my thanks for help and guidance. So far I have recovered nearly 1600 pages and the project
is getting easier. Pages from the 1950's are in much better condition than those printed 20 years earlier.
I have run across another problem, that of re-inserting images, which bring more marching ants.
Although much of the job is plain text, there are some images that need different colour treatment.
I have found it easiest to remove the images by the Edit/Cut or Copy and then re-insert by Edit/Paste
once the page and text have been cleaned up and white/black levels corrected. It is then a relatively
simple task to correct levels in the images.
However, when Pasted back into the document, images arrive with a border of marching ants which
cannot be killed off with either Select/None or Ctrl+Shift+A. Conversion to my release format of
PNG does clear them but the the ants remain with the saved .XCF files.
Is there a solution ?
Posts: 13
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Joined: Feb 2019
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Operating system(s): Linux
Thanks Blighty, will leave the dotted lines there, but they are certainly not static, the dots are moving.
Posts: 13
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Joined: Feb 2019
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Operating system(s): Linux
Thank you akovia, I had forgotten to anchor the layer. Did that and the problem is cured.