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Newbie: Fade into white via selection
Hi all,

as a Newbie I searched and watched on Youtube how to create a fade into a picture.

I want to make a selection of my face and then fade the background into white.

I am successful doing this with a AddMask (white) and the Gradient Tool. But this is just a vertical fade. I want to customize this fade on a specific selection (of my head).

Help appreciated!
(08-11-2021, 07:21 AM)Christian Wrote: I am successful doing this with a AddMask (white) and the Gradient Tool. But this is just a vertical fade. I want to customize this fade on a specific selection (of my head).

Help appreciated!

Gradient is not only vertical  Wink
Click on "Linear" and select radial


Tip: See that icon between the word "Browns" and the Gradient, just below the opacity slider?
It's to invert your gradient, click on it, it will invert your gradient let' say from center to edge, click again, it will do edge to center

Once your gradient is made AND while your mask is selected, try some transform tool on the mask to match your head Smile
Thank you for your help, it worked. Smile

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