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Text fonts not working
I can only show you a screen shot to best describe why it will not work

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That doesn't tell us much.. After starting the tool did you click on the canvas? Otherwise, what do you lean exactly by "it will not work"? What are your expectations and what is the actual result?
Looks like Gimp 2.8 to me and in multi-window mode

Keep the tools / tool options away from the canvas otherwise it is active and pressing keys looks like a keyboard shortcut.


Even better, put Gimp into single window mode.

When posting please give Gimp version and operating system, saves on guessing. (OK I see linuxMint but which one ?)

Edit: Something like this Wink
Click on the button where the red arrow is pointing to chose your font
then click on the canvas to write
now the tool bar has changed; I cant use this program!

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(09-24-2022, 07:31 PM)Tshirts Are Us! Wrote: now the tool bar has changed; I cant use this program!

Strange that tens of thousands of Gimp users have no problems.

As usual I am using my old Acer c720 netbook this evening, and that has Gimp 2.8 installed, so try this.

1. Edit -> Preferences -> Window Management and click on Reset Saved Window Possition... OK that and restart Gimp

2. That gets you back to the default three windows. Go to the Windows menu and click on Single Window Mode

3. There are 'hot' spots for resizing the docks (if you look) and the window resizes same as any other.
OK then if I am the only one with this problem then best move onto something lik adobe photoshop eliments

page dose not even load, but that dose not matter as we are not using windows anyway

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(09-24-2022, 09:50 PM)Tshirts Are Us! Wrote: OK then if I am the only one with this problem then best move onto something lik adobe photoshop eliments

page dose not even load, but that dose not matter as we are not using windows anyway

You probably will be better off moving to M$ Windows and paying for a graphics application.

However, imgur does work. Look into what is blocking it in your browser. LinuxMint is an easy to use distro but you still need to know how to use it.

FWIW those screenshots bundled into a PDF (attached) Note this is linux but a Xubuntu which runs on my little Acer c720. Same procedure in Mint.

Attached Files
.pdf   28.pdf (Size: 253.95 KB / Downloads: 136)

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