Hi all,
I'm learning Python as I go along in the Gimp. Can somebody get me going on this one please?
I have a few variables loaded with figures. (blur is for example 10 and contrast 0.15). I would like to set a layer name, so that later I can save the layer with a filename based on the layer name.
But how do I combine fixed text and variables? It must be something like this, but how exactly?
I would like the layer name to be "Blur 10 contrast 0.15".
I also tried with "&" but that didn't work either. Nor did it without the "{}".
Am I close? Thanks!
I'm learning Python as I go along in the Gimp. Can somebody get me going on this one please?
I have a few variables loaded with figures. (blur is for example 10 and contrast 0.15). I would like to set a layer name, so that later I can save the layer with a filename based on the layer name.
But how do I combine fixed text and variables? It must be something like this, but how exactly?
pdb.gimp_item_set_name(new_layer, "Blur "+{blur}+"contrast "+{contrast})
I would like the layer name to be "Blur 10 contrast 0.15".
I also tried with "&" but that didn't work either. Nor did it without the "{}".
Am I close? Thanks!