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unshred layer
Hello everybody!

I'm an autistic girl trying to do the following article

I have 2 questions since i'm a complete gimp beginner. I have the program installed on windows 10.

1. Where can I download the unshred layer plugin? I can only find the 'shred' one on sourceforge Sad 

2. How to install the plugin if anybody can give me the download link?

Thanks so much for this great forum
I will have a lot to learn in gimp Heart 


I forgot to say I use gimp 2.10.34!
(04-30-2023, 03:50 AM)retroarchgirl Wrote: Hello everybody!
I'm an autistic girl trying to do the following article

Do you have another link, this tumbler gives you only a minute to read then it blocks everything and pop this up


(04-30-2023, 03:50 AM)retroarchgirl Wrote: 1. Where can I download the unshred layer plugin? I can only find the 'shred' one on sourceforge Sad 

shred IS the plugin, it does both, shred and unshred direct download >


(04-30-2023, 03:50 AM)retroarchgirl Wrote: 2. How to install the plugin if anybody can give me the download link?

Thanks so much for this great forum
I will have a lot to learn in gimp Heart 


I forgot to say I use gimp 2.10.34!

Here on the Ofnuts' page > scroll-down to the bottom he is explaining where to put the script for different OS

  • My ofn-tiles and ofn-layer-tiles scripts (same download page)
    • take a layer and cut it in regular tiles (the fist saves them to disk, the second make individual layers),
    • take a bunch of tiles (from disk or existing layers), and arrange them into a single layer
    this can be a better match for you.
  • If objects shapes and dimensions are irregular, then the ofn-extract-objects script can also help.
Hi PixLab

I tried to install it by going to the folder C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins (on Windows)
Then I extracted the zip file and put it as a separate folder inside this folder. Inside the folder is everything from the ZIP file

[Image: afbeelding.png]

I restart GIMP and have read the documentation: The two functions are available as the


menus of the Image window.

But unfortunately in my GIMP, I don't find it in the Image menu:

[Image: afbeelding.png]

  • Can you tell me if it's installed correctly this way? I use GIMP 2.10
  • Can you tell me where the 2 menus should appear in GIMP?
I made a PDF of the website link, see here!
What you show is the Image menu, not the Layer menu. If the is directly under the ofn-shred-layer directly you should be good (even if its is not how you should have installed it).

Sorry, I was wrong Blush
I finally found the correct folder and now it works!

@Ofnuts: you are the developer of the plugin, right? Can you maybe look at the PDF above and verify if that is the correct way of using your plugin? Thanks!
When trying to do what is explained on the website link/PDF I have showed, I get the following error of your plugin Sad

I try to do this:

On this image:

Can you tell me what's wrong with my image or what i'm doing wrong so the script can't work?

PS: I can send you my GIMP file if you need it to look at it

Thanks for the help!
I'm almost there Blush
@retroarchgirl, this error that appears is possibly related to the relationship between the dimensions of the image and the Strip Width you want to use.
The values 535 x 249 are not multiples of 32.

I suggest you:
1- Increase the canvas size of this image to something like 544 x 256 ( Image - Canva Size;
2- After applying the plugin vertically and horizontally do: Image - Crop to content.
    (it is possible at the end to use the crop tool to adjust the excess edges)

I also suggest that you read again the suggestion given by Ofnuts in post #3. You will discover a different way to proceed in this type of editing.

Note: At least in the copy of your image that I downloaded, the tiles are not 32x32, so I think the cropping will not be correct if you use the value of 32 for the Strip Width. (It was more like 18x18px)
Samj PortableGimp 2.10.28 - Win-10 /64.

Maybe you can use this image I edited (In this image you can use the Strip Width (32 // 4) without accusing errors.):
Or make use of the tiles already separated in 32x32 that I left attached in the .zip

.7z   Tiles32x32.7z (Size: 47.99 KB / Downloads: 170)
Samj PortableGimp 2.10.28 - Win-10 /64.
The script expects your image to look like this (which is in fact the output of a 'Shred execution:


So, the fencepost rule says that you will have one more strip than spaces. So if you want to cut 3px spaces between 10px strips, you image should be N×10+(N-1)×3 pixels, or , if you prefer, 10px for the first strip, plus some multiple of 13px (space+strip) for the rest. Here, 10 strips of 10px and 9 spaces of 3px, so 10×10 + 9×3 = 127px

In you case your are using 32px strips and 4ps spaces, so your image should be a number of the form 32+N×36: 32, 68, 104, .... , 500, 536, 572... . Since you have 535 your image should probably be 536, and may you shaved off an extra pixel in the workflow. So either you correct the problem upstream or you enlarge the image or layer, but you then have to wonder what to put in that extra pixel column (and also if the lost pixel is on the right or on the left).

Important note: while making the screenshot above I found that the script didn't work in Gimp 2.10 (previous  update was in 2017...). I just uploaded a fixed version on SourceForge.

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