(11-20-2023, 12:53 PM)fluffypanda Wrote: That's exactly what I'm after sorry for the confusion...
* Create the solid noise in a layer
* Create the road as paths
* Add a layer, fill with white, and stroke the roads as relatively wide (30px, above) lines
* Apply a Gaussian blur to the lines, just enough to keep their center black
* Set the blurred lines to "Multiply" mode, and merge down in the solid noise.
Then go as above, but use the noise+lines layer as the initial mask (you can copy it to a channel, or copy/paste it to the mask)
* Stroke the path as lines on a new layer for the roads, and maybe decrease the opacity.
(11-20-2023, 12:53 PM)fluffypanda Wrote: Would you also know I'm making a gimp pattern 100x100 ,
I paint 255 red then I save it as pattern1.jpg. If I reopen the file it is changing the red to 254. Something is causes the red to change from 255 to 254.
Well, you said it, JPEG. What quality? Why not PNG?