…As I’m not able to find information in the Gimp User Manual, nor on-line for that matter… What I’m trying to learn would be a means of merging a single layer to each and every visible layer in a GIF, with minimal time… I’m wanting to add a single layer (text on an alfa-channel layer) to each and every visible layer of a GIF… All I find is “merging layers”, and as I wish to preform this numerous times WITH OUT NEEDING TO EXPORT LAYERS, AND THEN OPENING AND ADDING LAYER TO EACH AND EVERY SINGLE FRAME OF THE SPLIT-UP/SEPERATED FRAMES OF THE GIF…
Should you have an means of doing this task, please advise… if I need to acquire a plug-in for this, do inform… Thank you for your time...
-Shaileh Lexa
Should you have an means of doing this task, please advise… if I need to acquire a plug-in for this, do inform… Thank you for your time...
-Shaileh Lexa