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How to save and repeat layer effects to a different image
Quote:...I would like to be able to somehow save those effects (or that group of effects) to apply to some different text in some different image at some other time.

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Your question does make sense, in other applications it might be called a macro operation where procedures can be recorded and saved.

Nothing like that in Gimp. The usual reply is "Write a script" such script being in a programming language script-fu or python-fu. Whatever the guru's say, that is not easy.

In Gimp there are some operations that can be saved as a preset, these tend do be the colour operations, curves etc. but also the GEGL filters - those that have a G icon against them. 


That does not link a series of effects together, up to you to note the sequence but at least the filter values are saved.

There are one or two third party scripts/plugins that save settings, the notable one is gmic_gimp That has a host of filters (530) of all types and each with settings can be saved as a 'favorite'. Still up to you to chain various filters together although there is a 'custom code' provision which will be easier than a Gimp script.

If you give details of the types of filters/effects you use, you might get a better answer.

Messages In This Thread
RE: How to save and repeat layer effects to a different image - by rich2005 - 02-01-2019, 08:51 AM

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